A Conversation for Dead Man's Inn


Post 1

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

So this is real horror? and not just the horror that is bad TV? smiley - smiley

Big horror fan with vid collection


Post 2


lol...its been a little on the quiet side here so far to say the least,but i was originally thinking more REAL horror as u put it yeah,but pretty much whatever people want to talk about.


Post 3

Detective Armani

Go on then Apparition, start us off on the right tracksmiley - laugh


Post 4


now now d.a,no starting any barnys smiley - laugh


Post 5

Detective Armani

I wasn`t. Just encouraging the newcomer. When am i ever not nice?


Post 6

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

I am very new - I haven't had the chance to look around yet.

So what is everyone's fav? Suspence-give-you-a-fright horror, gory-try-to-make-you-heave horror or sh*t-that's-scarey-scare-the-underpants-off-you-spooky horror?

Or has someone already asked that and I need to look around some more?


Post 7

Detective Armani

I like all of the above but the more gore the better.


Post 8

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

what about genre crossover. Did anyone by me find 'event horizon' with sam niel just a little creepy?

SF Horror cross over


Post 9

Detective Armani

I haven`t seen Event Horizon but i do like those kinda things too. Stuff to get the mind reeling and the adrenaline pumping.


Post 10

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Good smiley - smiley

Let me be the first to reccomend it to you. It's about 3 or so years old. Without giving anything away, they test the first of what they think will be hyperspace drive and it takes them somewhere else smiley - monster


Post 11

Detective Armani

I have heard of it and will certainly look out for it. There`s a film review thread in here. Feel like giving us a full rundown of it?


Post 12

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

I'll have to do some reaching into the dark cavenous cobwebbed recesses of my memory to dig up some details.

Then I'll do that smiley - smiley


Post 13

Detective Armani

I look forward to it and any others that you recommend.smiley - biggrin


Post 14

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

Random though alert: Has there ever been any nice clowns in movies?

Off the top of my head the clown in IT (Stephen King) was funny but definately not nice.


Post 15


was only kidding d.a..lol x


Post 16


was only kidding d.a..lol x


Post 17


oooh system probs today..lol no i dont think i do remember ever seeing a nice clown.youve just reminded me of a very silly film called killer klowns from outer space..lmao.as for favourites,mine include,braindead!,hellraiser,re-animator,etc etc


Post 18

Detective Armani

I know you were kidding. I was just making sure that no-one else got their wires crossed.

I seem to be having a few system problems myself. Supid machine!!

Can`t say that i remember any movies with nice clowns either. Or books for that matter. "It" was really good though. Not my favourite SK work though


Post 19

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

Event Horizon was pretty creapy. I liked it.


Post 20


ive never been too big a fan of sci fi cross stuff...pitch black war pretty good though.

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