Dead Man's Inn

70 Conversations

smiley - smiley - smiley -

Hello, and a Warm Welcome to all! You have found the

Dead Man's Inn

A surreal Dali-esque picture including a face, a melting clock and a man in a suit.

A forum for horror fans to discuss their favorite books and movies, share ideas, and ask those questions that we all wonder about.

Come in and sit a while.smiley - Pull up a chair by the fireside, and order yourself a smiley - ;
You may need it here!

smiley -
smiley - Sign saying 'Home of Dick Turpin and Open Fires'

The spookiest pub on the H2G2.
Come on in, relax, sit down, and pull up a little atmosphere.smiley - I decided to open the Inn as a fan of Things That Go Bump in the Night. Look around you;smiley - smiley - smiley - ; You'll find them all here.

Montage of folk asking philosophical questions.

Do you have a favorite author? what are you reading right now? Is there a great book that you'd like to recommend to others? Would you like to share something that you've written yourself?

smiley - There's nothing like a scary story by the fire, after all.
Burke and Hare robbing a coffin.Our regulars are:

Have you had any personal experiences with the supernatural? Love or hate a movie? Are you interested in psychic phenomenon, astrology, tarot?

A graveyard

Anything at all related to Horror/the supernatural that you would like to discuss, question or share your views on.

We'd like to hear from you. smiley -

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