A Conversation for Mostly Harmless MC- The H2G2 Motorcycle Club


Post 1


Is there no-one here or am I looking in the wrong places? smiley - erm


Post 2

Taff Agent of kaos

hi 185

youl find most of the talk over on ask and misc chat

follow the links from the front page and subscribe to the convos you like

smiley - bat


Post 3


Hi, Andy, there are lots of people here but it takes a while to find them. I think I have been reading your thread about wanting a motorbike.

Another way to find people is to click on 'Who's Online' at the top of your Space. Just click and jump in and have a read till you find some people that interest you. Most people don't mind you putting your two pennorth in smiley - smiley

smiley - goodluck

Websailor smiley - dragon

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