A Conversation for Mostly Harmless MC- The H2G2 Motorcycle Club

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Post 1


I'm a 18 yr old student who cycles the five miles in to collage every day, which is ok, keeps me fit; but for a long time now i've been really wanting to get a 125 motorbike and licence, partly because it would make commuting easier, but mainly because i love motorbikes. Unfortunately my mum is very much against this idea, quote, "you're not getting a motorbike whilst you're living under my roof."

so does anyone have any advice on helping me to achive this, or do you think i'm just gonna have to carry on riding a cycle for the next year or so smiley - sadface until i move out.


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Post 2

Taff Agent of kaos

i have a moto roma virage 125 needs about £3-400 spent on it you can have it for £100

>smiley - bat

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Post 3


haha, i think the main obstacle to get around is my mum. smiley - erm

what condition is it anyway?


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Post 4

Taff Agent of kaos

needs a new altinator and voltage regulator, apart from that its fine

can only be got from some place on tinternet, they get from italy, hence the cost

i have a new xt660 and need the space in the garage hence the £100 take away fee

smiley - bat

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Post 5


aren't you advertising on ebay?

I'm interested but those bikes appear to suffer from un-reliability, and as I'm not in any hurry to buy one I might as well wait for a Suzuki or Yamaha, as I'm used to them and have spares, from my old ts185 field bike.

It's just a shame that my old TS185 isn't a TS125 (still a hell of a lot of fun though smiley - ok ).


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Post 6


tbh, there is no really easy way around it. I had similar from my folks although no outright ban just a 'if you get one you can't park it on the property' knowing fine well that'd prob mean it'd get nicked. As getting it meant that I could get a job and socialise more both without having to use my parents as a taxi I think they took the approach that it was all part of my growing up and independence so, whilst not ideal, it was better than not. Driving was not an option as I didn't have a license, couldn;t afford to get one and parents only offered to pay half towards the lessons (I couldn't afford the other half!).

Mind you I know at least one mate of mine in his mid 30s who hides his 'bike and leathers and lid at a mates whenever his mum comes to visit! She's apparently still convinced he doesn;t even have the license!

I'd make my case for independence and also point out that you're really into them, banning you from them now isn't going to stop you getting one when you do move out, you aren't going to 'grow out of it' as she may think and at least whilst you are living at home she will have more knowledge of where/when you are so if you do have an accident she's going to be in the know sooner rather than if you are living away from home when you could be in a ditch somewhere for days before she finds out (careful with that line of reasoning though smiley - winkeye ). Also find out if there is a specific reason (has someone she knows had a bad accident?). But likely she thinks putting her foot down now will nip the urge in the bud and prevent you wrecking your life in a bad accident at a young age. It'll also mean when you do move away you'll have more road experience so travelling home won;t be a sudden new experience full of danger as you'll have the experience to be safe on a longer journey.

I imagine she's just worried - she's got to learn to let go and let you do what you want to do. smiley - smiley

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Post 7


right here goes, i don't know where you live but chances are you'll hear the sounds of me getting grief. when you do hear it please say a quiet prayer. smiley - laugh

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Post 8


15hrs and no report - I do hope your mum didn't get the slipper out to teach you a lesson smiley - winkeye

Best of luck, and bear in mind you'll be able to rib her about this for years to come when you are older. I always like to remind my folks of such decisions. But not too hard, there is no manual for bringing up your kids and how to react and she's got a hard decision to make. She'll no doubt be worried about getting it right.

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Post 9



strict chat followed by concerned persuasion, now dad's on her side, and he seems to have a few friends from his old biker days who've had an accident or two (as well as himself), just to use as examples.

aww well, i'll give it a bit until my next try, i guess they're just worried, still can't help feeling $@*?ing annoyed though.

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Post 10


ah well, it does take them a while to realise that attempting to influence you is OK but ultimately they have to let you make your own decisions in life.

I wonder how well they would have reacted as 18yr olds to being told what to do in no uncertain terms by their parents?

Best of luck!

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Post 11


I don't want them to sound unfair, just because they won't let me have a motorbike on the road, I suspect they just have a picture of me lying paralysed on a hospital bed, which I can understand. Because they aren't unfair, my dad's insured me on his car, they're not too restrictive, they don't embarrass me too much smiley - erm , in fact if I could grow to be as good a dad as mine is I would be a very happy person. smiley - ok

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Post 12

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

this might sound crazy, and you might not find one.
but when i was young, there was a motor you could attach to the back wheel of a bike, saved peddling on the straight,
not a motorbike, but could solve the problem.
or get a moped,or mobealet.
just a few ideas.smiley - dragon jim

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Post 13


your right, that is a crazy idea.

my younger cousins got one on his bike, though its barely 25cc, I don't think it would be legal.

And I am NOT getting a moped, they're more dangerous as far as I'm concerned, plus "chav's" use them (you know someone's a "chav" when they ride their moped with their feet on the rear passenger footpegs. Why, I don't know.) I can't imagine how riding round on top of two very small wheels can be stable, or safe smiley - erm .

Thanks for the suggestions though. smiley - biggrin

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Post 14

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hey if its stability you want, and a motorbike, what about a three wheel chopper, its stable, and there are diff types.
smiley - dragon jim

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Post 15


i hate to pick negatives about suggestions, but a three wheeler is a vehicle which seems to combine all of the disadvantages of cars and motorbikes, its wide, hard to park, and heavy like a car, but dangerous and exposed like a motorcycle.

what i've always been aiming for is a 2-stroke 125 bike like a suzuki TS/TC or a Yamaha DT, because their tall enough to give good viability, reliable and simple to maintain. they're also quite powerful and (excuse my vanity) look quite good.

that said i'd jump at the change to try this out http://spyder.brp.com/

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Post 16

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi i,ll leave you with this thought, lol
as, from what you said, your mother wont let you have a bike, and its five miles to uni.
for uni, get one of these new fangled power scooter, they dont have move, or even one of the two wheeled gyro ones, as in the 118 118 advert, they look cool, and the firm that makes them, all the staff use them to get around the works, i watch a programme on them the other night. smiley - dragon jim

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Post 17


do you mean segways, where u stand on a board which has handlebars like a scooter and wheels either side of it. that would be amazing, i'll have a look on e-bay. i'd love to go round collage on them, especially seeing as the collage has been virtually re-designed for wheelchairs.smiley - cool

i wonder how they perform uphill.

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Post 18


major problem with Segways - not allowed on the pavement in the UK and not allowed on the road either. Most public places ban them along with skateboards etc as well. So pretty much useless over here.

"a three wheeler is a vehicle which seems to combine all of the disadvantages of cars and motorbikes"
Very true. You get wet and blown about like on a bike but get stuck in traffic like a car. They can, however, be undeniably cool. Ultimate poseurs vehicle - looks cool, actually not much good. I kinda want one though so shan't diss them too much smiley - winkeye

Oh and those spyder things are cool. There's a couple of others out there too - including a french one that 'leans' round corners, a brit one that uses a bmw 1200cc engine and a rather odd one from Germany (of course).

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Post 19


yes useless though trikes are, they do seem to be oddly attractive, maybe because they're just cool smiley - cool.

i'm not that bothered about the law against segways on puplic paths, since i don't have the money to buy one, but it does seem a bit stupid for them to not be allowed, since they're not exactly the fastest thing on two wheels.

The spyder's something i'd very much like to have a go with but not something i'd want to live with smiley - erm .

i think i'll go on the triumph website and have a go on the triumph customiser (http://www.triumph.co.uk/uk/configuratorPopup.aspx), speed triple i think. smiley - run also not the most useful vehicle ever made, but also undeniably cool.smiley - ok

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Post 20


ah yes, speed triples. Like them, I do.
not the most useful? Whatever do you mean? Very useful for the twisties and pulling wheelies! And useful for holding the high ground against the plastic fantastics smiley - winkeye

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