A Conversation for Walls (FM rescue)

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 61


I've just read through it all, and apart from a few things that could eb tarted up in an edit, I think it's about there. There are so many things that can be added, so many phrases, famous walls etc. that it's impossible to name an explain them all. It's already on the long side.

How about something along the lines of, "There are many other phrases relating to walls, such as x, y & z. Can you think of any more?" Fingers crossed people will post any others at the bottom of the article.

Also the link for the picture of Blewburton Hill is probably better as http://www.berkshirehistory.com/castles/blewburton_hill.html , not the one currently there which doesn't have a great image of the hill itself.

smiley - fairy

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 62

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

oops, gotta go soon, quick Suggestion for off the wall:

smiley - popcorn

Off the Wall

The phrase 'off the wall' is used to describe anything extremely unusual or bizarre. For example: 'Damien Hirst's Mother and Child, Divided, in which a cow and a calf are cut in half and pickled in formaldehyde, is pretty off the wall.'

The origins of the phrase are unclear, although some speculate that it hails from ball games such as squash, where the direction of the ball after it bounces off the wall is often extremely unpredictable.

smiley - popcorn

Perhaps some other unusual example more relevant to walls can be found? Or 'The Beeblecast prepared by the h2g2 Aviators is a pretty off the wall affair, and offers a diverse range of clips for your viewing pleasure.'

smiley - winkeye

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 63

Skankyrich [?]

Cheers, vp!

You're right, Vip. This has been here long enough. Into Room 101 it goes:


Thanks, everyone!

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 64


The Flea Market thread is here: F74125?thread=6420462
Does anyone wish to take this on? If so, go over there and let everyone know.

If no-one says anything in the next couple of weeks, I might be tempted...


A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 65


I seem to remember (though I may well be wrong) that Skanky was doing something with it. Obviously whoever took it on never finished it and I daresay Skanky's got more important things on his mind - like his baby son, say. smiley - winkeye

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 66


If he is planning on finishing it, that's fine, if he can just let us know whether he will or if he'll give his blessing for someone else to.
I'm happy to wait a couple of weeks at least before even thinking of doing anything.


A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 67

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