A Conversation for Walls (FM rescue)

Peer Review: A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 1

Skankyrich [?]

Entry: Walls (FM rescue) - A28966729
Author: Skankyrich [?] - U931109

Original author: U2111883 Think-Am, worked on by Vip U188069 and put together as a collaboration. Further contributions welcome.

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 2

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

And I thought this was about sossidjiss!!! smiley - groan

Shall look later!

*Hmm! Always been partial to a Dutch Bond!!! smiley - tongueout*


smiley - musicalnote

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 3

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

And you forgot Max Wall!!! smiley - cross


smiley - musicalnote

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

Wikipedia lists 41 different people with the surname 'Wall'. It's highly unlikely that I'll include any of them, unless they also happen to be a wall.

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 5

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - rofl

Not even Wall-E?


smiley - musicalnote

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

Where's Wall-E?

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 7

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

You find out!!!


smiley - rofl

And if you win give me the link.

smiley - laugh


smiley - musicalnote

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 8

Skankyrich [?]

I meant this one:


A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 9

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - sorry!

smiley - huh


smiley - musicalnote

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 10

Skankyrich [?]

That was a 'Where's Wally' picture smiley - winkeye

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 11

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Looks good... Thought of another wall, related to music, (maybe near the wall of sound bit?).
I've seen a few software compressors, that have a 'brick wall', basically set a level in noise a loudness above which it won't let the music go... the brick wall is the limit to how it'll let the volume rise up to smiley - erm not sure if thats explainging it very well smiley - dohsmiley - sorry I'll get me hat

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 12


Wally's in the middle behind the 'elderly' couple - the man with the green vest on smiley - ok

Good to see this in PR now smiley - smiley

Nothing to add, did it's dues in the EGWW as far as I can tell smiley - smiley

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 13


A couple of minor points Skanky:

Great Wall of China is the longest wall ever built, and is visible from outer space

> Word >> World

seperates >> separates

smiley - ok

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 14

Skankyrich [?]


That's quite a major point. I can't remember who I was discussing it with, but I clearly remember explaining to someone very patiently that you can't see the Great Wall from space, let alone 'outer' space, and yet I've left it in the entry...

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 15

Icy North

What, no sausages or ice cream? smiley - sadface

Seriously, I think Thomas Wall's company is worth a mention, as it's one of the biggest food brands in the UK.

I'd tell you what they put in their sausages, but Wall's have ears, you know... smiley - winkeye

Oh, any possibility of adding my favourite Pam Ayres poem as a blockquote?

"I am a dry stone waller
All day I dry stone wall
Of all appalling callings
Dry stone walling's worst of all"

smiley - cheers Icy

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 16


That was originally in there, but as nobody wrote anything for it (myself included) it ended up being removed.

Any suggestions for a paragraph, Icy?

smiley - fairy

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 17

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

I can't believe you forgot to link to A28868160, after all that work on the Hadrian's wall project smiley - smiley.

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 18

Icy North

I'll see what I can do, Vip smiley - smiley

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 19


I wonder if you'd like to add anything about decorating walls? wallpaper, pargetting, graffiti?

A28966729 - Walls (FM rescue)

Post 20

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

>>When Emperor Antoninus Pius succeed Hadrian in 136 AD<<


How about a bit of Wall destruction as per
"Right," said Fred, " Have to take the wall down,
That there wall is gonna have to go."

Bernard Cribbins?


smiley - laugh

Good stuff!


smiley - musicalnote

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