This is the Message Centre for Serephina


Post 1


a while ago i started the unofficial horror appreciation society at A2474504 but with one thing n another i never got it finished..thought it was about time i did...any suggestions?


Post 2


A2474507 even


Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

give it horror nickname....

- "haunted hootoo house"
- "shakey smile of sister snakey"
- "restless undied walking thru hooto"
- "creapy crawler invading your dreams"

and make "the unofficial horror appreciation society" subtitle..

to prpmote it go to the <./>thepost</.> the have link of clubs and communities A660304 and classiefied ad A630019

last but not least start thread on <./>askh2g2</.>!

always good watch how other clubs and communitues do it::
the keepers A441596 - the muses A420661

hope it helps a bit!

founder of united friends A703126
more than 400 united friends, wich makes it the larged hootoo club / community!

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