This is the Message Centre for Serephina

To hex or not to hex..

Post 1


It not often i let anyone really piss me off..but a certain persons shitty behaviour when i did eff all to them but have let them make me feel i have has nowgot me seriously considering a little darker majick..ok a lot darker..nightmares for the rest of their days darker smiley - evilgrinsmiley - erm question is, how do i manage not to give in to this urge ! should i even try to fight it? or just go with it n wreak some well deserved vegenance just this once? i hate moral dilemmas smiley - headhurts

To hex or not to hex..

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Have a bath, relax... and think calming thoughts smiley - zen

Hex 'em tomorrow smiley - evilgrin

smiley - biggrin

To hex or not to hex..

Post 3

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

itsn't there something where if you use dark magic on someone it come back on you threefold? smiley - erm

To hex or not to hex..

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - erm what are 'moral dilemmas'? smiley - erm

To hex or not to hex..

Post 5


Itll take a little time for me to think of a good spell anyway smiley - winkeye cant rush these things!

To hex or not to hex..

Post 6


THere 'are' loopholes in the 3-fold law if you can find them ..

To hex or not to hex..

Post 7

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

do not think too #000000

smiley - bigeyes

To hex or not to hex..

Post 8

fords - number 1 all over heaven

There are indeed some grey areas in the old power of three smiley - winkeye

To hex or not to hex..

Post 9


Don't do it!

smiley - hug

To hex or not to hex..

Post 10


oh but itd be soo much fun! and he really deserves it smiley - tongueout

To hex or not to hex..

Post 11

Sponge Rob Squarepants

Hi Serephina...

If it works do you mind if I give you a list.. smiley - winkeye

smiley - laugh

To hex or not to hex..

Post 12


smiley - laugh

To hex or not to hex..

Post 13

Sponge Rob Squarepants

It's not a big list....

Just 10 or 12 names.....
And they all deserve it.. smiley - laugh

To hex or not to hex..

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

and I've got one name you could add to that list smiley - ermsmiley - run

To hex or not to hex..

Post 15


yeah? who that then 2legs? smiley - bigeyes

To hex or not to hex..

Post 16

Sponge Rob Squarepants

Maybe we should post the list here so Serephina can do a mass curse on all of them... smiley - evilgrin

To hex or not to hex..

Post 17


Hey Seraphina! smiley - biggrin

When I was a kid, I use to believe really, REALLY strongly in God. One day, I had a little conversation with my Gran:

Little Me: 'Gran... You know how we pray for things? Well, does God listen?'
Gran: 'Yes, God always listens to our prayers.'
Little Me: 'And if I pray for something, will He give it do me?'
Gran: 'He will.'
Little Me: 'So... if I prayed for the room to be filled with blackberries [blackberries were my favorite fruit], will He do it?'
Gran: 'Yes, He'll do it.'

Being all of three at that time, I believed every word. So, for the next four or five years, I would pray at night, but I'd never ask for anything big in return. I figured that if I were so powerful that I could ask God for anything and get it, it would be wrong for me to abuse it! Funny story, but I was deadly serious.

My belief in God isn't nearly so strong now, but my heart was in the right place. Now, the way I see it, you've got something pretty powerful at your disposal, and as Mr Parker in 'Spiderman' says, with great power comes great responsibility. So really, you've got to ask yourself, could it ever right to use your power for your own benefit, even if you've been pushed very hard?

So like lil said earlier, have a nice bath, relax...

...and hex 'em in the morning! It's your responsibility. smiley - winkeye Is there a 'just deserts' hex, where every time they do something bad to someone, something just as bad will happen to them? That would be cool. smiley - magic

But seriously, think about it, and think about how you'll feel about it in a year's time or so. smiley - smiley

I still haven't prayed for blueberries to fill my house up. smiley - laugh

- Jordan

To hex or not to hex..

Post 18

I'm not really here

"itsn't there something where if you use dark magic on someone it come back on you threefold?"

I think the idea is that *anything* you do comes nack threefold.

Serephina, don't hex. Think of it this way - the shitty behaviour of an ex in no way reflects on you. It's not your fault that your ex is a knobhead - although there must be something nice about him, or you wouldn't have been with him in the first place.

We aren't responsible for other people's behaviour and if it takes being a tosser to make him feel good about himself, then just let him get on with it and don't let it affect you.

Have some smiley - redwine

To hex or not to hex..

Post 19

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Isn't it weird that that lovely, sexy handsome creature can become such an evil, poo-eating twonk so quickly after a breakup? smiley - tongueout

To hex or not to hex..

Post 20


I dont think lovely,handsome or sexy are terms i'dve ever used for Mavis smiley - winkeye poo eating twonk..i like that smiley - laugh

ooh smiley - redwine I have a bottle of cheap plonk somewhere I may have to get stuck into ! I dont *think* i'd actually do it..but it's so much fun to plot! and it really was the wrong time for anyone to pi@@ me off! im reallly pent up at the mo!

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