This is the Message Centre for Serephina

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 1


smiley - cross
I am getting over the shock of this afternoon and getting more smiley - grr now
so there i was dozing happily in my recovering from sick bed, when the school phones to tell me theres 'been an incident' thing i know i'm on way to casualty in the teachers car with Ged, Josh and a suspected elbow dislocation smiley - yikes

He had ben playing wrestling on the field with some of the other boys and one had decided to go to far and try to really hurt Josh..obviously with great success. I hope the nasty little piece of work is expelled.

At the hospital , they got him some pain relief, took x-rays and then popped the elbow back into place while he had a bit of gas and air..he's at home now with a big old cast on it but happy enough and showing if off to his friends!

I will be complainming to the school to make sure this is properly dealt with..the teacher said it had been an accident, but josh said the boy wasnt at all sorry or concerned when he saw how hurt he was but laughed n said 'thats what you get f@er' smiley - steam

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 2

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cuddlepoor you! smiley - sadface
I hope Josh recovers quicklysmiley - hug

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 3

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - sadface

for Josh

for you smiley - cross Hit them hard. The boys should have been supervised appropriately. Had they been, this would never have happened. The school is in 'loco parentis'. Slam them, S. Politely but very firmly... Stuff like this escalates if left alone. Nipping it in the bud is the best way to go, imho (and I have been there smiley - hug)

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 4


Thanks GB smiley - hug

he's doing ok at the mo, tucked up in bed now and not even complained of the pain once..he's so brave.smiley - cry(i made him take some paracetamol before bed though just in case)

Josh's friend J and some of the other boys allegedly gave the rotton kid what forsmiley - whistle , but i'm still going to be on to the school. I want an apology from the child and his parents my the very very least smiley - grr

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 5

Brown Eyed Girl

smiley - cuddle Hope J gets better soon and isn't in too much pain. smiley - erm Could you put BEG was ere on his cast for me? smiley - evilgrinsmiley - tongueout The boys that did this should be suspended at the very least.

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 6


I'll see if I can fit in, its been well scribbled on by his pals already.
It was just the one boy, and yes he should be. I doubt it though as on the way to the hospital, the teacher was adamant it was 'an accident' but looked a bit shifty/nervous. A bruise i'd let go..boys fight..but a dislocated elbow? im sorry but that doesn't happen by accident..not when someone decides to hold your arm under their knee and push all their weight down so that the elbow pops clean out backwards smiley - grr

I'm secretly rather glad the other boys gave the kid a hiding after josh was taken in by the teachers.

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 7

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I agree with the angry mob smiley - winkeye Fight this all the way smiley - hug

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 8


smiley - hug for Josh, get well soon. Do remind Mum that smiley - choc is a necessary part of the healing process!smiley - winkeye


Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 9


Can I sign my name on his cast please...smiley - smiley

Get Well Josh

P.S Do the schools in the UK have anti-bullying policies?


Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 10


I'll be spoiling him silly Terri don't worry smiley - winkeye

They supposedly have anti bullying polices. When the teacher drove us to the hospital this afternoon she was adamant it was an accident..but it will be looked into she said. I think i was too shocked at the time for it all to have sunk in and just gently told him off for having been play fighting.
I'll be having strong words with the head tomorrow morning when i call in to let them know he'll be off sick and the extent of his injuries.

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 11


It will be interesting if you can find out if the other child has "previous form" so to speak. And if there are any other students willing to come forward and speak up...

smiley - cheers


Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 12


I'm sure theres at least one child who'll speak up, josh's classmate and our neighbour who was was him who instigated the bashing of the other kid after!

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 13


Thats good least you won't have to worry about support and back up

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

Sounds nasty, I'm glad nothing like this ever happened to my boys.
Hope Josh will be better soon. smiley - cheerup

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 15

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - cuddle and painkiller smiley - 2cents for Josh.
smiley - cross for the nasty thug and smiley - steam for the school!

smiley - choc for mummy Serephina, you must need it...

smiley - towel

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 16


Poor Josh, I hope he makes a speedy recovery smiley - ok

smiley - goodluck with the school, Seraphina.

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 17


thanks everyonesmiley - hug

Josh is doing fine, happily terrorising auntie genie at the mo as the stress of last night has got me back in hospital! had another bad attack this morning and had to be carried out by firemen..shame i was outcold and pooing the bed at the same time smiley - rofl

im still much better than i was and recovering so well i could be home tonight or tomorrow.

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 18

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Sweetie! Are you getting the right kind of help?? Panic attacs this frequently worry me.
Be well and rest now.smiley - hug

smiley - towel

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 19


smiley - hugs and smiley - roses to you S

Do I have hospital magnet on my head ?

Post 20

Mol - on the new tablet

smiley - cheerup

Don't let the school fob you off, make a formal complaint.

Oh dear, I really am turning into a stuck record. But the school should have a complaints procedure.


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