A Conversation for 'Black Hawk Down' - An American Fable


Post 1

Aaron O'Keefe the anti-pajama man (ACE)

I saw black Hawk down. . .Rangers are a cut ABOVE the rest. . . I saw combat first hand. . .and while they're firefight was shorter than mine they earned th respect of the American People, If You don't. .. you aren't worth the lives it took TO FINISH THAT CONFLICT NOR THE THE aFGHAN CONFLICT EITHER. . .I, LT Aaron O'Keefe lost three men in the Afghan Conflict. . .Fighting for the reason to be free. . .any that wants to protest let them reply here. . .leave your REAL name. . . else wise forget you even bothered



Post 2

Apparition™ (Mourning Empty the best uncle anyone could wish for)

If america would stop p*****g off the rest of the world they'ed have nothing to fear.

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