This is the Message Centre for Fenchurch M. Mercury


Post 1

Researcher 53005,emeraldcitizen

Can I pleeeeeeeese have a ickle fishie all of my very own , O wise mighty and all powerfull one. Show me the way.


Post 2

Fenchurch M. Mercury

*light geams from above, and a sort of deep, yet girlish voice breaks the intolerable silence*

How would you like the fish to look? smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Researcher 53005,emeraldcitizen

Thank you for deigning to reply ,O Great One.
I work in an Intensive Care Unit so I would quite like a nurse fishie ,probably with a syringe or a stethescope or something.
Thanx loads and good luck in you bid for Mayor. You've got my vote.smiley - winkeye


Post 4


Could I have a fish please???? A nice, blue type of fish, if pos - sort of a Bluebottle fish, if I may???


Post 5

Wand'rin star

I've been following you round the fora,thereby finding lots of useful info
and happy trivia.Could you come up with a star-fish?
And could you direct me to the Front Page -my sense of direction has finally packed it in.)
Luv & thanx


Post 6

Wand'rin star

Help, I'm lost. I've been swimming along happily following you through
various fora, picking up lots of useful info and shallow trivia. Could you direct
me to the front page?
Can you manage a star-fish?
Luv & thanx


Post 7

Wand'rin star

Computer also packed in - told me untruths about transfers being impossible.
Never mind - can't have too much luv and fishes


Post 8

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

If you still need it, you can get back to the front page by clicking the link in the upper right hand corner of your browser window, or by following this one


Post 9

Wand'rin star

Thank you. Nice to have a friend in fishy circles. How did the paper go? I finally finished the research proposal an hour ago - hence the general woolly-headedness <>


Post 10

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

You're Welcome! &, um, what paper?


Post 11

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Didja find yours, Irving? I just saw that other forum where you were asking for it, and I already had it up... sometimes the forums get lost and I can't find them to tell you when they're done... smiley - sadface.

The others are also done, I'm just about to put in the HTML so they show up on the fish page smiley - smiley

No Subject

Post 12


Hi Fenny smiley - smiley So here you are! Check this out....I suspect that it
won't be around for long LOL
shazzPR smiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 13

Researcher 53005,emeraldcitizen

Hi Y'all,
The movin puddin is awesome shazz, nice one . I'm goin' lookin for my fishie now , fenny. Chack ya later. smiley - winkeye


Post 14


Your Excellence (is this what virtual Mayors - VMs? - are addressed as?) Everybody else gets a fish - Can I have a dude fish with a Mohawk? I'll trade it for some "Cult Movie Reviews" - (Please reference us lowly souls/soles). (I think most of the movies I watch are cult movies then, I fall asleep watching most main-stream Hollywood movies). I have some ideas on my page for the "Tony Blair, Which?" project but I think reality is becoming stranger than fiction. If we make the movie, you can add it to your list.

Anyway I am fishless (help). Lacking in (Dover) sole.

I'll stop carping on about this now.


Post 15

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Oh, you can just call me Fenny (the Great) if you'd like. smiley - winkeye

What colour do you want the mohawk to be? And the fish for that matter? I hope you're still around... if not I'll just throw one together I see fitting. I'd love some more cult movie reviews smiley - smileysmiley - smiley Of course you're all getting referenced, more than that, you'd be the researchers... I'm just throwin' 'em all together smiley - smiley. And if the "Tony Blair, Which?" Project gets made, believe you me, it'd be at the top of the list. I haven't heard a good joke about a public official other than Billy Clinton in soooo long, it'd be refreshing smiley - smiley


Post 16


I am not sure if *Tony Blair.Which* will be a cult though! He has spoiled it all by impregnating HIS WIFE LOL....aren't politicians supposed to go for their researchers/interns whatever for that kind of recreation! hehe
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 17


That's what I meant - I had this idea, then watching the bloody BBC World News I find that the news reports are pretty much more bizzare than what I hoped to create in our own little fictional fun-world - Oh Well! Try harder now, I guess (I like a challenge)!

PS. VM Fenchurch - The Mohawk could be green or pink, or else a conservative brown hair cut just like dudemeister. If you can attire the fish with a grey sleeveles t-s**t, it would be appropriate.

fishies - Ahem.. Typo!

Post 18


"Sleeveles t-s**t" - I do not want you to worry too much about what a t s**t is, nor to stick one on my fish. It should read "sleeveless t-shirt" - The "r" is not silent.

fishies - Ahem.. Typo!

Post 19


ROFLAPMP!! Dude..that was the most brilliant typo I have seen for a long time smiley - smiley I am still cracking up!!
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

fishies - Ahem.. Typo!

Post 20


oh my!! i must say that this is priceless LOL!!!! smiley - bigeyes
can't wait for everyone else to experience this little "slip" of yours smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

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