This is the Message Centre for Fenchurch M. Mercury

No Subject

Post 41


Neat change of subject there Dude! smiley - smiley
See...your fish can move IW smiley - winkeye
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 42


Your little slip is going to be the end of you Dude. Word is getting around. smiley - smiley


Post 43

Paul the Brake

Hi Fenny 'O Great One' If you can find the time I would love a fishie, I'm not asking for anything particular, You will come up with something great anyway smiley - smiley. And to think I nearly voted for Wowbagger as virtual mayor.


Post 44


You did? He will be very pleased to know that! What stopped you!?
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 45

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Well didn't I miss a load of insanity! smiley - smiley

Fish wearing shit and fish wearing bra... I can do that. How the hell did you get the fish in the subject by the way? Please? Please tell me? I love you all.... smiley - winkeye


Post 46

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Oh, and sorry 'bout my ignorace over the whole Tony Blair thing... hehe smiley - winkeye. What were you expecting, people cite our mayor as being a good moral person, and this was *after* she'd been tried for misconduct (she almost killed some endangered birds, or something like that... hehe)

No Subject

Post 47

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

He's a John Lennon Fish... He's got to have hair!

No Subject

Post 48


Here you go Fenny smiley - smiley Just type the http addy into the Subject Box smiley - smiley prepared for TPTB to remove them all LOL
shazzpRsmiley - winkeye

No Subject

Post 49


I'm just glad to be thought of Pauline The Bra, especially by one with an unusual name such as yourself. smiley - winkeye What brought such an alias about?

Fishies....and bras!

Post 50


He/she started out as Paul the Brake...then suffered something akin to a sex change , as I did! I am better now though smiley - smiley
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

Does this work??

Post 51

Researcher 99947

Hmm... just wondering if this works... I am intrigued...

No Subject

Post 52

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

It works, nice fish, by the way!


Post 53

Paul the Brake

Dear Shazz he never replied to any of my messages smiley - winkeye

Post 54

Researcher 99947

Thank you... he's my Elvis Costello fishie... made him myself... I think he looks rather fetching here.

No Subject

Post 55

Researcher 99947

Whoops... musn't forget to do that again... can't have bold letters go hilly-willy-nilly, or however it goes smiley - smiley

Is this going to work yet???

Post 56

Researcher 99947


is this

Post 57

Researcher 99947

acK!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!! Please~!!

No Subject

Post 58

Researcher 99947

I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post 59


Ummm, what messages? This is the firt that I've heard of it. Were you known by another name Pauline? smiley - smiley


Post 60

Paul the Brake

Ummm, a bit of confusion here I think, take a look at and follow the link 'you got my vote' I realise why you haven't replied now smiley - smiley the link never appeared on your home page.

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