This is the Message Centre for Fenchurch M. Mercury


Post 61

Researcher 99947

Wow... that is old... OLD... Unfortunately for some, Fenny has already won the race : )


Post 62


I did warn everyone that TPTB would remove them all after the weekend!
Can't clog up h2g2 now can we!!
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 63

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Perhaps it's for the better. No, I know it is! smiley - smiley


Post 64

Researcher 53005,emeraldcitizen

G'Day ,Your Worship, The Honourable Lady Fenchurch, Virtual Mayor.

Remember me? When I first posted my request for a fishie ,I had no idea conversations could get this weird, even on the Net! Its been very entertaining so far but back to the matter in hand. Has Your Worship found the time in her hectic schedual of civic engagements since your landslide victory, to design my fishie? If so could you please tell me where I can go to get it and how? Please bear in mind that I am a rookie at this HTML stuff and am quite unable to get my brain around this programming lark.So please have pity on a poor soul wandering lost and confused in the realms of Cyberspace and take me to my fishie!

Ta Ta..... Emeraldcitizen smiley - winkeye


Post 65


I know how you mean - I'd likle a fishie too - but consider how awkward it must be for the great one to have to design all these fishies for everyone.. too timeconsuming to be anything other than scary! I really admire how the Great One copes!


Post 66


LOL....I am sure that she will do your fishies just as soon as she can smiley - smiley
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 67

Fenchurch M. Mercury

They've been hanging out waiting smiley - smiley. I'll go get you the addresses and show you what to paste into your HTML so that it'll show up smiley - smiley.


Post 68


What a STAR you are Fenny smiley - smiley
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 69

Researcher 53005,emeraldcitizen

G'Day , Your Worship.
Thanks for replying and I await my fishie with bated (or should that be baited?) breath.

Ta Ta. smiley - winkeye


Post 70


ummmm .... can i have a fishie too??

preferably a sgt. pepper lookalike ...

wilt thou fulfill my needs great godess of all things marine?

for the latest reading matter contact the local fish man...


Post 71

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Okay, emeraldcitizen, paste this where you want to be (it only works on webpages):


The starfish is:

And Dudemiester's sleevless shit wearing fish (don't worry, I didn't actually do that lol!) is:

All the others are in the making, unless you see them hanging out at the fish page already... smiley - smiley


Post 72

Researcher 53005,emeraldcitizen

G'Day Your Worship,
Many thanx for the fishie , it looks great. I have had a look at some of the other fishies and they are works of art , one and all.

Message for Pauline the bra; check out the forum on the TBWP.

Ta Ta smiley - winkeye


Post 73

Wand'rin star

Thank you very,very much for the starfish. I love it/her/him.


Post 74


Yet more satisfied customers eh Fenny smiley - smiley Keep up the good work....your personal ass!!
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 75


do i get one or not ???

you know like magrathea you could soon be out of business ... so while you're at it will i get my custom made fish or not???


Post 76

Researcher 99947

Hmm... but weren't the magratheans money-grubbin' fools, and that's why they disappeared? Last time I checked, Fenny was doing this for free


Post 77


Well said S.E. smiley - smiley
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye


Post 78


I'd just like to say a BIG THANKS!!!!! To Fenchurch for such a superb Bluebottle fish. It's excellent! smiley - smiley Thanks for having the time!


Post 79

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Fenny's a good lass. That's why we voted her into office. Well *I* didn't vote for her as I was running against her, but you know what I mean.


Post 80

Paul the Brake

I just hope the great one hasn't forgotten about me

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