A Conversation for Test for...weirdness?

Well...what was it?

Post 21

Go-Go Girl

Just kidding Menza...smiley - smiley

AS to how this works...I can only assume that normal, conventional thought process, when put throught it's paces by the adding up of the sums as in this case, reacts in a predictable way.

Actually, on another thread, someone's brother, who is dyslexic, came up with 'purple spade'.

Now that is smiley - weird

Well...what was it?

Post 22


Anything purple has got to be weird. smiley - winkeye

And I was looking forward to being odd. smiley - silly

Well...what was it?

Post 23

Is mise Duncan

I got a blue hammer - does that mean I'm half odd or does colour blindness affect the way my mind is wired as well?

Well...what was it?

Post 24

Go-Go Girl

Yup...you're just half smiley - weird.
smiley - winkeye
You really colour blind?

Well...what was it?

Post 25


I'd just like to say that I am PROUD to be smiley - weird! I'd much rather be smiley - weird than smiley - yawn 'normal'!

In fact, I'm going to boast about my smiley - weird status in my Journal, and post a link to this smiley - weirdness test in the hope of meeting more wonderfully smiley - weird people! So there! smiley - nahnah

THE smiley - weird SHALL INHERIT THE smiley - earth! smiley - winkeye

Well...what was it?

Post 26

Is mise Duncan

I am colour blind - but red/green colour blind. Maybe that's why the image of a blue hammer is less troublesome and therefore more readily recalled?
(Goes to look it up in Pinker)

Well...what was it?

Post 27


Blue ruler.

Though actually I got a picture of various geometer's tools - ruler, protractor, set square. No hammer. I must also confess to being red-green colourblind (according to one of those number/dot things; I don't actually get the two colours confused).

Well...what was it?

Post 28

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

You must admit that a hammer is a striking image thoughsmiley - biggrin

Hull smiley - smiley

Well...what was it?

Post 29

Gnomon - time to move on

So how do you two colour blind people feel about pea soup, then?

Well...what was it?

Post 30

Is mise Duncan

Pea soup? Too easily mistaken for ketchup smiley - laugh

Well...what was it?

Post 31

Vahliare Sawyn

I think Im the smiley - weirdest of all so far - I got a blue electric saw! - really truly

and no I don't view in goo so not influenced there
and I did turn out colour blind on the red/green dot test but as Im female and we can not be color blind I dont think it is that either (nor do I get confused between the colours - only the little dots smiley - smiley )

Well...what was it?

Post 32

Gnomon - time to move on

Females can be colour blind. It is just a lot rarer than for males. Something like 1 in 10 of males are colour blind and 1 in 100 of females. If you fail the dot test, then chances are you do confuse colours, you just don't realise that you are doing it. I had a friend who never realised that green and brown were two different colours, like blue and brown. He always thought they were two subtle shades of the same colour, like red and crimson. He had a problem with pea soup because it looked like pee soup.smiley - laugh

Well...what was it?

Post 33

Vahliare Sawyn

I failed the one where you are supposed to see a number but not a path - as in I did see a path but no number - but then I passed the lines and crosses one where you are supposed to see a cube so they decided I wasnt colour blind - just very very smiley - weird

Well...what was it?

Post 34


I picked red and spanner. So if I am smiley - weird, at least I'm in good company. smiley - smiley

Well...what was it?

Post 35

Go-Go Girl

I'd say! smiley - biggrin Considering that the majority of responses on h2g2 so far have been deviant to some extent or another, I'd say you're in very good company.

Strangely enough, more of my RL friends & aquantances have opted for 'red hammer', whilst here there appears to have been only two 'normal' responses ...(and I'm one of them, I fear, very boring... smiley - wah).

I guess that old chestnut 'you don't have to be weird to work here, but it helps...'is pertinent here...oh..hang on a mo...you DO work here! smiley - winkeye

Well...what was it?

Post 36

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

hey, ggg, smiley - cheerup we're the only ones here who got red and hammer (although my hammer was a normal hammer colour and my colour was a patch floating about), so we're not the 'normals' here, we're the ones who are really thesmiley - weirdsmiley - weirdsmiley - weird ones.


Well...what was it?

Post 37


I think that perhaps the blurb on the Smileys pages for the smiley - weird Smiley has the explanation: 'Being really weird is almost an art form, and h2g2 excels at being really weird. Where else can you find such a bizarre yet friendly collection of space cadets, fruitcakes, nutters, loonies, crackpots, oddballs, eccentrics and day trippers? Absolutely!'

What could you really expect here but smiley - weird responses a-plenty? smiley - biggrin

Well...what was it?

Post 38

Go-Go Girl

smiley - wow Actually Hullubaloo's right...we are in the minority..though now there are 3 of us...'aka' also got the right response.

Well...what was it?

Post 39

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Yes, and I like Ormyondroyd's quote very much. It means that any of us with the tiniest hint of normality smiley - yikes must be smiley - weirder than smiley - weird

Hullsmiley - weirdsmiley - yikessmiley - fairy

Well...what was it?

Post 40


i got and orange spanner. or rather i thought spanner then orange. cos it didn't ask for the tool and *its* colour, it asked for a tool and *a* colour. i saw another test pretty similar to this, but it asked you to think of a vegetable instead of a tool and a colour, and most people think of a carrot or tomato. i think it's something to do with the orangey reddy colours and maths...
^. .^
= ' =

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