A Conversation for Tea

Quest: The perfect cup of tea...

Post 1


After reading DNA's trilogy in five parts, I have been searcing for the perfect cup of tea. If you wan't something done properly, do it youself.

My current findings.

Guaranteed to work. Take a small cup, put in a tea bag, add sugar to taste (I like 2 spoons). BOIL THE KETTLE. When steam is pouring out of the top, OR the switch has clicked, DRIBBLE water directly onto the teabag. The teabag should start to float, continue to DRIBBLE BOILING water on the teabag until there is just enough room left for milk (roughly 1/6th). Open the fridge and take out the milk. Take your dedicated tea spoon (I use a heavy old one that I inherited), stir the tea, squeeze out the eccess tea from the bag, remove and bin. Add the milk and drink.

Sometimes you will find that the teabag becomes folded and refuses to float properly. This still makes an acceptible cup of tea, but not a great cup of tea.

In cases such as these you have 2 options

1, put it down to experience and make another cup of tea or

2, give that cup to your mate or your mrs, get another cup and start again.

try it, I have become classes as a tea deity or demigod of the brewing area.
-Upside, lots of friends come around to visit.
-Downside, they drink me out of house and home...


Quest: The perfect cup of tea...

Post 2

Mental Goat

I recall reading a rather spurious newpaper article once, which claimed squeezing the tea bag prior to throwing it in the bin would save significant volumes of landfill space if the entire country did it.
Does anyone know if this is true ?

Or have I been led up the garden path again,

Quest: The perfect cup of tea...

Post 3


I would say a long, overgrown, hard to find your way out of garden path.

After all, you're only squeezing out the water which will get back in the next time it rains on the landfill site!

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Quest: The perfect cup of tea...

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