A Conversation for Tea


Post 1

Tequila Warhead

The water must not boil for too long or the oxygen is lost and the tea will taste flat. I personnally believe that anyone who destroyes the taste of tea by adding milk or sweetenings, should be hung, drawn and quartered. My own favourite tea is Twinnings Russian Caravan which leaves a slight tase of cream on the back of the throat and has a gentle tannin taste on the tounge.


Post 2

chris Researcher 26207

Tea is one of the only drinks I drink, this means to go through all the ritual described for the production of this beverage for 'one' person is frankly ridiculous, and I have found that 1 teabag of a decent brand of breakfast tea, half a teaspoon of sugar, and small amount of semi-skimmed milk poured directly on the bag in the cup before adding the boiling water makes an exceptable compromise! " My page "


Post 3

chris Researcher 26207


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