A Conversation for About Castles


Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Not a hint of pretention. Straight to the point. Good Job!


Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Marj? Did you say your name was Marj?



Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Be kind!


Post 4

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Kind? Moi? Hey, I'm Citizen Kine!
smiley - biggrin


Post 5

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Isn't that welsh for cousin or cattle...which in some cases might be the same?


Post 6

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

No the welsh prefer to cousin their sheep.

But yes, kine appears in the King James version as the plural of cattle.



Post 7

Tonsil Revenge (PG)



Post 8

Researcher Marj



Post 9

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Ah. Please don't shout...too often.
Ah, yes, I meant it. I've even recommended it for a little column we have in The Post each week.
The idiot I was having the exchange with is an acquaintance who is the head boojum for the column. That's why he came to take a look.
As to the matter of 'being funny', I believe I addressed that in another post.
We're just being impertinent. And the two of us in this case are old enough to know better. That's why we do it.
We can put on our best manners when it is called for.
I've been known to iron mine a time or two.


Post 10

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

And I know the difference between ferric and feral.
smiley - silly


Post 11

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Straight over my head!


Post 12

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

you said iron mine

that's where ferric stuff comes from
and feral is ..like ..a mad dog

there is really no connection except in my own deluded brain and the joke (if any, as our host has complained) is the contemporary debate in the confused use of historic, historical / classic, classical / metric, metrical / etc

i was just extending ferric to feral instead of ferrical but i think we all are now in agreement, it was a miserable attempt at humour

smiley - sillybut unrepentant


Post 13

Researcher Marj

To Tonsil wwhatever, I wasn't shouting my little finger loves to hit the caps lock I do smack it, and am too lazy to re write things, so If I shout again you will know why. Half my posts are a mixture of the two usually, people have suggested I tape it to the others, maybe one day I will Marj


Post 14

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I have that problem all day long, but I keep hitting the extra keys Windows have put on my keyboard, so I have these pop-up thingies frightening me!
I also have that problem when I play guitar. I rarely use my pinkie, so it sometimes gets dragged along with the ring finger and I get my nail caught in the wood of the fingerboard! Argh! I hate that.
Robert Fripp says I should learn to use all my fingers equally...
I suppose he has a bit more time for it than I...as I am just hamfisted enough that I am happy not to drop the intstrument.


Post 15

Researcher Marj

Tonsil revenge. Do you get little boxes come up saying you have performed an illegal, and then you either lose the 2 little T.V.s in the bottom but are connected to server, or you get cut off altogether. This is most annoying. Can you play the guitar well pinkie or no pinkie? Cheers Marj.


Post 16

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Oh, yes, all the time! Actually, we , um, you, didn't do it. It is a feature of Windows, which I assume you have some version of, that it likes things to lay on each other or function side by side in priorities. If the program you are accessing online doesn't choose to play, then windows takes it's ball and goes home.
Unfortunately, sometimes it hates itself and eats the registry, thus, illegalling itself...something which has happened three times recently.
I should say I own a guitar and I try to play it.
I rarely learn to do anything properly. I am a big fan of real country music, bagpipes and 40's jazz and swing...


Post 17

Researcher Marj

I am glad you like old Jazz. My favourite is Strauss and apart from that I like 20's music but try and get a tape or disc, no way. We had a record once called "Dancing throught the toe Tapping twenties" we played it so much it wore out and we have never found a tape to compare with it. Probably becaUSE i WAS BORN IN THE 20'S BUT i WOULDN'T REMEMBEER THE MUSIC TILL THE 30'S SO YOU CAN SEE HOW ANCIENT i AM. At xmas parties before television, (yes there was a time) somone played a piano and each person used to sing their own song. My Dad used to sing "I'm Mother's Baby Boy" I have never been able to get the words. An Uncle used to sing "MY Baby has gone down The Plughole" someone a few years ago did record that one but I can't remember who. Those days were more interesting and happier than today, with all the trouble Even durin WW2 when I was a W.A.A.F things were good and people were happier and everyone in London spoke to everone else. Bit different from what I hear it is like today. I now live in Australia. Cheers Maj


Post 18

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I have been inundated with the past. So much so that I often have a problem with the present. I can't look at anything or hear anything wihout thinking of what came before it.
I have been accused of being distracted.

Many of the songs you mentioned might be accessed online in some cases by simply typing the title or phrase into the address bar of your browser and including quote marks around it so that the bowser won't ignore words like 'my', 'the', 'and', 'with', 'I' and so forth.
I would suggest that you see if Australia has an institution like BMI or ASCAP that deals with song publishing and copyrights and such, that might have archives of lyrics and sheetmusic and , in some extraordinary cases, recordings...

A local public library or musician's union might also be able to help.


Post 19

Researcher Marj

Thanks for the info, I have asked all over the place but cannot find anything about "Im Mother's Baby Boy". I know it mentioned Liptons and going to puchase some tea ,and something about 'Smother him quick was my Fathers advice'. Otherwise it all escapes me. I don't suppose your past is as old as mine though, and I presume you are male as not many females play the guitar. Cheers marj


Post 20

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Okay. I'll see what I kind find.
No, what I meant was I am more aware of the past than many my age.
I grew up around denizens of the depression and I lived with my grandmother as a roommate for a few years. Sometimes the best I can do is pay attention.
You would be surprised at the number of females I am aware of who play guitar. But I'm in Texas.
What I find hard to believe is the number of ladies who play the accordion!

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