About Castles

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I am an English Women born in London, who emigrated to Australia with her 4 children. I have never forgotten my roots, and read everything I can British. My Favourite Castle is 'Dover Castle'. Mainly because my Father was born there and I spent so many happy holidays in this place it became like a second home to me. My Aunt used to own several pubs in the area and my Grandmother died there. I think I have visited Dover Castle more times than any other, in England. I always loved it and even on returning to England twice on holidays. I have made the effort to return. It may not be as ornate as other Castles but it has a homely feeling. As a child I used to wander over the Shakespeare cliffs and I would come upon underground rooms that had bars across them. I always associated them with the Castle and my young mind used to imagine the people who would have been incarcerated in these places. Now I wonder whether these were something to do with old places where arms were stored against Dover being attacked. Well this is my first attempt to write something on here. You wanted to know how to get to the Castle, well I expect any visitor would have a map and one can't miss the Castle standing on its hill. I remember looking out from the top and seeing the white mark where Bleriot's plane crashed. Yours sincerely Marj Busby [email protected].

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