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The Misfit Newsletter

Post 121

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hey, TVF... Wassup?smiley - smiley

Weren't they referring to it as the 'Subway Series'?


The Misfit Newsletter

Post 122


Well, TVF, I am getting the hang of the thing. So when are you going to write a article on how people of A, NM vote. The abc of voting in NM. be a nice article. I have not found a good article on the history of NM either. what would be the url for such. Mnd

The Misfit Newsletter

Post 123

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Looney, Jimi, JTG - hey there! I really did enjoy the series. Even though it only went 5 games, they were very competitive and entertaining games. Especially when Clemens threw the bat at Piazza. Oh, the drama!

Mnd - glad to see you are getting into the swing of h2g2. I haven't been writing lately...I seem to have lost my "spark." For the history of NM try this one:


The Misfit Newsletter

Post 124


Thanks....I looked it over and there is more on New Mexico than a million books. thanks. Hope all is well with you and Dar

The Misfit Newsletter

Post 125

The Ghost Of TV's Frink real names here please, lest you get me in trouble smiley - smiley

The Misfit Newsletter

Post 126

Fenchurch M. Mercury


The Misfit Newsletter

Post 127


A History of New Mexico!!!!?????

PLEASE write it!!! I know almost nothing about the state I was born in! I was dragged to Alabama as a wee small child, and would LOVE to know a bit about the state "No-one realises is a state"!smiley - smiley

(and no, that's not what my "NM" means!smiley - winkeye)


The Misfit Newsletter

Post 128


Oh...And I thank you for the link as well, Frink!.....When I get a week or so I'll read all that info!smiley - bigeyes


The Misfit Newsletter

Post 129

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

TVs Frink, compliments of Comedy Central, here's an opportunity to strenghten the Misfit's playing staff.

The fickle relationship between Sammy Sosa and the Chicago Cubs has hit another bump in the road this week only two days after having hit an even larger bump at the bottom of Sosa's brow-ridge.
Speaking to the Chicago Sun-Times on Tuesday, Sosa exclaimed, "I want to go to a place where somebody loves me," adding, "and of course by love I mean, has at least $50 million to spend."
He continued, "I've always said I love Chicago, but I'm not going to miss an opportunity. You look at everything I have done for Chicago, and all I want is fair value from them." He added, "I mean I got them a fluke NL Wild Card berth in the 98/99 season, that's worth at least, what? ... hello, are you still there? Hey where'd everyone go?!?"
Later in the interview Sosa explained, "If they don't want to give me that, I will have to go another place. It's not that I want to, but they aren't giving me a choice. I just can't accept what they are offering.
It's not fair. They aren't even talking to us now, and I can't understand that." Fortunately a little bit of understanding was gained after Sosa realized he had to take the phone out of the box before people could reach him on it.
Sosa can become a free agent after the 2001 season. He's seeking to renegotiate and reportedly wants a six-year deal starting at $17 million, an amount the Boston Red Sox have already said they are willing to pay, though only if Sosa promises to get injured a lot.

The Misfit Newsletter

Post 130

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Hi Fen!

NM - sorry, but I don't think I'm going to write a history of New Mexico - I'm not doing much of anything on h2g2 these days. Glad you enjoyed the link, however.

Looney - enjoyed the sammy story, but I don't think I can afford his price tag smiley - smiley And if I put him on the team he'd just sit around anyway, since we never play any games and our manager is rarely around.

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