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Of Books and Spiders
Evangeline Started conversation Feb 13, 2019
Book description from an email:
On the run from her old flameās criminal family, Sara Jones hides in Billings, Montana. But when people around her start dying from poisonous spider bites after she receives a mysterious package with one concealed inside, she finds herself trapped between the crime family and a sinister group that uses spiders to incapacitate their prey.
Of Books and Spiders
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Feb 13, 2019
A camera person by that name was killed while filming "Midnight rider."
And if spiders intrigue you, you might like Phoenix, where black widow spiders are said to be numerous.
Of Books and Spiders
Evangeline Posted Feb 13, 2019
This spider plot reminded me of two other events in real life.
1. I walked in the door at work to find a co worker sitting on a 5 gallon bucket in the corner, pale and kind of shaky. His story: Woke up, went to shower... undressed, stepped into shower, realized there was a spider in the tub, no tiny jumping spider, or even a wolf spider, but a gargantuan, 4 inch leg span spider (the kind that get up to walk across the room). I asked what he did about . His reply was ''What any red blooded male would do first thing in the morning when being confronted by a monster spider , first thing in the morning while naked in the shower, Screamed like a little girl and beat the
out of the spider with the plunger.
2. The Bakery Mgr. told me about the morning he was smoking while driving his ford escort. The window was down to flick the ashes out. A spider hopped across his windshield and vanished. The ashes broke off the cigarette, igniting the fast food wrappers on the passenger side floor. He said he used all six lanes of the road while searching spider and extinguishing his car.
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Of Books and Spiders
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