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Family, Books and Friends

Post 1


It's been a busy few months. In March, my nephew and his wife got a couple of tickets at almost the last minute for a basketball game in New Orleans. So, they quickly planned a trip to New Orleans and Baton Rouge. This included dinner in Baton Rouge on the last night and getting three sides of his family in the same restaurant for dinner. It was good to see them. Hadn't seen him since 2009 and her since 2004 or so.

Finally bought a Kindle, which was a deal with no shipping if you take the 30 day trial of amazon prime (including streaming videos). The amazon selection includes Doctor Who, Midsomer Murders, Inspector Lewis and lots of other things that I'd like to watch. Caught up on the Matt Smith episodes of Doctor Who which have only aired on BBC America (not on my cable package). I'll probably renew the amazon prime for $79.00 a year and cut back a tier of my cable package now that the history channel has gone for reality shows (pawn stars and pickers). I've loaded the kindle with hundreds of free books from amazon and Read 'the Dark House experiment in terror', another mystery novel and currently reading 'the Three Musketeers' on the kindle and re reading 'the Great Book of Amber' on paper.

In April I arranged another meet for my facebook friends that went to the same high school. The first meet was at a local pub (really a pub). This time it was a Greek Lebanese restaurant. We had 9 alumni and six guests. It was really nice to see the three that I had not seen since graduation and to meet the children of two other friends.

May is coming to a close. I do have my towel ready for Friday. Hurricane season is getting a jump start this weekend and it's hot and humid and will be for several months.

Family, Books and Friends

Post 2

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Thanks for the update, Evangeline. smiley - ok

I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my towel on Towel Day...

Family, Books and Friends

Post 3


In honor of Douglas Adams, May 25 is Towel Day, the day to carry a towel everywhere. smiley - towel

Family, Books and Friends

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Does t need to be the *same* towel, or can you have different ones at different times of the day?

Family, Books and Friends

Post 5


I'm guessing any suitable hitch hiking towel would be good. smiley - towel

Family, Books and Friends

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Well, I use the following towels in any given day:

A bath towel for my shower.

A color-coordinated towel for my trip to the swimming pool [If the bathing suite and the towel are the same color, I won't get mixed up about which towel is mine if the locker room is crowded.]

A hand towel or two for when I rinse/wash my hands

A couple of dish towels when I'm drying the dishes.

Family, Books and Friends

Post 7


My hitch hiking towel is a large royal blue beach towel trimmed with a vivid orange logo of a vitamin company at one end.

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