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Merry Christmas from Ellen
Ellen Started conversation Dec 22, 2010
Merry Christmas to Jabberwock, Psychocandy, Ivan, BMT, Willem, Sho, Lil, and all who celebrate the holiday! Happy Solstice as well; welcome to a return to warmth and light. Happy Holidays Effers and Edward the B as well, if you see my journal! Can't believe it is almost 2011! I'm missing Zendevil Terri very much. H2g2 makes me a little sad these days, because of Terri and because so many folks have moved on. But I still want to keep track of you guys. This was a good year for me, despite some depression. Micio is gone, but I have Rembrandt to enjoy and play with now. Tell me what's been up with all of you! I'm still enjoying my new Kindle and Roku. Merry Christmas again!
Merry Christmas from Ellen
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Dec 22, 2010
Merry Christmas Ellen!
Mostly I've been hanging around in offices, doing some of that boring nonsense I get paid for, but what's really occupying my mind is my new garden. I have about four dozen shrubs and ground covers to plant over the break; it helps that the office is shut from lunchtime Friday until 4 January.
I was planning on painting the house over the break but I still haven't chosen the colours. That makes things a bit difficult.
Merry Christmas from Ellen
j_z_d Posted Dec 22, 2010
Good to see you Ellen, seems I've misplaced your email addy. Yes a very merry Christmas to you & the siblings(as well as all the best for 2011). Been a good year for me too, if a little uneventful(
mixed blessing I suppose).
Merry Christmas from Ellen
Ivan the Terribly Average Posted Dec 22, 2010
*waves back*
*doesn't speak as mouth is full of cheese just at the moment*
Merry Christmas from Ellen
lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned Posted Dec 22, 2010
Merry Christmas, Ellen I hope we will get to see more of you in the New Year - NO, I'm not encouraging nudity in hootoo
lil xx
Merry Christmas from Ellen
gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Posted Dec 22, 2010
Hi Helen!
Come on home!!!!
(Well, most of us anyway!!!)
Happy Yule, and Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas from Ellen
You can call me TC Posted Dec 22, 2010
Happy Christmas from me, too, to everyone in this thread.
Look forward to doing it all again next year (except the Micio bit - sorry about that, JEllen)
Merry Christmas from Ellen
Willem Posted Jan 1, 2011
Merry Christmas Ellen and everyone else here! And - a Happy Year of 2011 to all as well! Sorry for getting here only now ... haven't had 'net access in two weeks.
Key: Complain about this post
Merry Christmas from Ellen
- 1: Ellen (Dec 22, 2010)
- 2: Ivan the Terribly Average (Dec 22, 2010)
- 3: j_z_d (Dec 22, 2010)
- 4: j_z_d (Dec 22, 2010)
- 5: Ivan the Terribly Average (Dec 22, 2010)
- 6: BMT (Dec 22, 2010)
- 7: Rev Nick (Dec 22, 2010)
- 8: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Dec 22, 2010)
- 9: BMT (Dec 22, 2010)
- 10: gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA (Dec 22, 2010)
- 11: You can call me TC (Dec 22, 2010)
- 12: Willem (Jan 1, 2011)
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