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29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

We do understand that h2g2 users will want to discuss ongoing developments regarding the recent incidents in London. However, we do need to remind everyone that once a suspect is arrested for an offence, or offences, legal restrictions apply. Being arrested doesn't in itself indicate guilt, so messages posted to h2g2 (as to BBC messageboards as a whole) which presume guilt on behalf of specific individuals may need to be removed for legal reasons. This ruling applies to all instances of legal proceedings, not just in relation to these incidents.

Some examples of postings which may be failed are:

'the terrorist Mr John xxxx has been arrested.'
'the man they've arrested called xxxx is the bomber.'

Acceptable comments could include the following:

'the suspected terrorist has been arrested'
'they've arrested several men in London'
'the suspected bomber was seen in xxxx.'

Again, we hope all users will understand this is line with standard UK legal practice.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 2


smiley - ok

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 3

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

smiley - ok

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 4


In other words, please cut and paste the following into every single post you make:


smiley - winkeye

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 5

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I completely understand. smiley - ok


29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 6


Unfortunately, simply pasting the word 'allegedly' to the end of anything you say is about as water-tight in legal terms as a trans-Atlantic dinghy made from ryvita and tracing paper... smiley - biggrin

So no, you can't simply say what you like and then go 'allegedly' at the end of it, I'm afraid! smiley - smiley


29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 7


Good call!

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 8


"A trans-Atlantic dinghy made from ryvita and tracing paper"

smiley - rofl
And the sad thing is I've actually crossed the atlantic in less sea-worthy objects than that smiley - winkeye

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 9

logicus tracticus philosophicus

but surly if the artcle quoted is from a BBC source it must be *truesmiley - winkeye .So perfectly acceptable and not against the rules

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 10

C Hawke

alas, no-one told the main BBC broadcast news this - I have heard at least one broadcast that stated "xxxxx was the person who attempt to detonate a bomb on the underground"


29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 11


Allegedlly or not, I hope they caught the sons of guns and it leads to the bigger packages.

Sorry about it hitting your shores. Pump them babies still they spill the beans.

smiley - blacksheep

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 12

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

How do you say that? Do you say "blank..." or "bleep...."

smiley - huh

smiley - galaxy

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 13

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


That would be nice if I had *any* familiarity with standard (or even substandard) UK legal practice. smiley - headhurts Heck, I get caught short regarding *American* legal practice, which explains why I occasionally get traffic tickets for doing things I *thought* were all right. smiley - erm

Please, dear BBC, be nice to us if we post some dumb stuff that we didn't know was against the regulations. smiley - grovel I can't hide out on another flight because I'm afraid of space travel. smiley - yikes

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 14

Not him

it will only be moderated. the main relevance is if somebody is accused of something, they are innocent until proven guilty, and so you must speak of tem as the accused, not the guilty

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 15

Not him

sorry, them, not tem

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 16

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant


Oh. Well, that's reassuring, because we try to do that in the U.S. as well.

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 17

Smij - Formerly Jimster

We may have to remove postings, but don't panic, it won't affect our view of the person making the postings unless it's really clear they're trying to cause trouble. In which case, we release the hounds smiley - smiley

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 18

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Hounds? what is this the dark age? smiley - winkeye I've the trained attack badgers ready for your use though should you r require them smiley - evilgrin

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 19

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

some one needs phones Sherlock Holmes!

29th July, 2005: Legal Restrictions and h2g2 Postings

Post 20

Smij - Formerly Jimster

(They're actually hamsters, but we tell them they're hounds just to protect them from the truth)

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