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27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 61


Erm... error?

I'm trying to remove my name from a certain article (A728381), but when I click the link, it tells me that my name cannot be removed beacuse 'It is not on the researcher list' - which it is.

smiley - huh

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 62

Frankie Roberto

Your name isn't on the list... (or it isn't now).

Perhaps you clicked it twice?

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 63

Jim Lynn

Firstly, it isn't - perhaps you clicked twice, and by the time the second request came through after the first had completed. Your name is definitely no longer on that article.

Second, could you post bug reports to <./>Feedback-Bugs</.> in future, otherwise we might miss them. Thanks.

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 64

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

As an international site, shouldn't smiley - football have been ? Stateside users might expect something a tad more "eliptical"... Or will you put a different graphic on the US servers? smiley - tongueout

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 65

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

I hadn't even realised the upgrade had happened!
What's the news on new smilies then? I presume we are going to get some, and what about animated smilies?

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 66

Jim Lynn

We're a British site. We write in British English, so why shouldn't we use the British terms for things like football? After all, we invented the game.

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 67

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Great show Jimsmiley - ok

You also invented the hooligan, I presumesmiley - winkeye

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 68

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

But of course!
smiley - winkeye
Another great British tradition, go to a fight and a football match breaks out!!
<Courtesy of a TV program)
smiley - biggrin

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 69

You can call me TC

One thing that has always bugged me about it being British English is that when you look for "film" in the search bar, you don't find anything about films, until you look for "movies".

Not that I'm bothered, it's just that that word doesn't occur to me, and is certainly just as American as having to say "soccer" for football.

Haven't noticed any differences yet - are you sure the update applies to the rest of the world, too?

Ducks smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 70

Frankie Roberto

Good point TC.

As for the new DNA engine, have a look at the <./>Versions</.> page.

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 71


Re: post 63

I don't think I clicked twice; I'll go shout at my sys-admin for screwing up page refreshes as well. Stupid school people, don't know a thing about computers (from my experience) until I hack them.

*takes note of the Bugs link*

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 72

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Ooooh, Jim, that sounds like a different manifestation of the current "doubleposting" problem, where the "remove" request doubleposted... A clue, perhaps? smiley - geek

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 73


27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 74

Jim Lynn

If I remember, next time I get a dump of the server logs I'll see if there are two requests in the logs. Puzzling if there aren't.

It's entirely possible for a browser or ISP to send a duplicate request, just as it's possible to double click accidentally through a mouse glitch.

Just one of those things. Impossible to avoid without smothering the pages in didgy javascript.

27 May 2002: DNA Upgrade Scheduled for 1030 BST on Wednesday, 29 May

Post 75


Like, I take it, you did on the 'Add Guide Entry' page?

One day I'll make a formal request to get that removed...

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