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Job search

Post 1


In case any of you are wondering how my search for permanent employment (referred to in the last journal entry "Jobcentre Minus"), here's he latest

Jobs aplied for: 4 (Runcorn Library, Department for Worka nd Pensions, Inland Revenue, Warrington Crown Court)

Replies received: 1 (DWP)

But at least the DWP are going to interview me. For some reason, they're doing it at Warrington's rugby ground, the Halliwell Jones Stadium, rather than at the Village Hotel, as the advert suggested. Whether they heard about my graduation at the Stadium of Light and thought using sporting venues for significant moments in my lfie was sensible, I don't know.

Anyway, interview coming up on the 8th of MArch. As well as selection tests. And I thought I was done with exams forever when I graduated.

Job search

Post 2

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Good luck.

Job search

Post 3

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I hopa you gedda da job at da Department for worka 'n' Pensiones. smiley - smiley

Job search

Post 4


Good luck.

What type of library was/is it?

Job search

Post 5


council-run public library. But as they said to expect a response within three weeks, and it's now been four, I'm presuming they don't want me.

Job search

Post 6

McKay The Disorganised

I do work for the DWP - what bit you looking at - or raher which bits looking at you ?

smiley - cider

Job search

Post 7


Pension Service.

Job search

Post 8


Well, it's my selection tests and interview this afternoon, and I'm rather nervous about it.

Job search

Post 9

Mu Beta

Well, I'd say good luck but it being 5:45, I gues it's a bit late for that.


Job search

Post 10


It seemed to go quite well, but I won't find out if i was successful or not for another couple of weeks.

Job search

Post 11


Haven't heard back from the DWP yet, although I have now also appleid for a job at Lancaster County Court.

Job search

Post 12


They'll be busy playing Pass the Paperwork in the offices of power. smiley - ok Good luck.

Job search

Post 13


Got a letter from DWP yesterday, saying that they've put me on the waiting list for a position and expect to be able to offer me a job within the next month or so. Which gives me chance to try and get the job in Lancatsre which pays more and sounds more interesting, before hearing any more from DWP.

Job search

Post 14

Mu Beta

"Got a letter from DWP yesterday, saying that they've put me on the waiting list for a position and expect to be able to offer me a job within the next month or so."

You do know that's a downright rejection, don't you? smiley - winkeye


Job search

Post 15

McKay The Disorganised

That means - 'assuming Gordon doesn't drag in any new legislation'

smiley - cider

Job search

Post 16


A letter arrived from the Court Service today offering me an interview for the job at Lancaster County Court. It was slightly more exciting than my other post- Halifax Building Society telling me I can go and pick up my new bank card, and the Liberal Dmeocrats newsletter.

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