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A flood in my local.

Post 1


My local pub, the Ferry Tavern, was flooded when the Mersey burst it's banks during tidal disturbances caused by the eclipse the other week.

See pictures on main page:

A flood in my local.

Post 2


Didn't realise that place was your local Egon. I usually stop in there when I cycle between Manchester and Liverpool, nice place to get a drink and recover from/prepare for the horrors of cycling through Warrington

A flood in my local.

Post 3


Well, I hope you're not planning to cycle that route between now and about June, when they're hoping to open again.

A flood in my local.

Post 4


I knew that Liverpool was on the Mersey, Egon, but didn't know you were from that area. I need to pay closer attention. Please tell me that the pub doesn't play that old Jerry and the Pacemakers song all the time in the background. And I'm sorry you are temporarily publess.

A flood in my local.

Post 5


Nah, the bikes busted at the moment. Probably won't be cycling that way until the end of May at the earliest.

Hypatia, the only place I've ever heard play the Jerry and the Pacemakers song is on the Mersey ferries, when they know they have a captive audience. I think people would escape from anywhere else.

smiley - yuk I hate that song so much!

A flood in my local.

Post 6


Thanks. It was never one of my favorites, either. I'm showing my age though. I remember when it was first released.

They play it on the ferry? That's diabolical.

A flood in my local.

Post 7


They prety much just loop it on the Mersey ferries. They've also got it on the free jukebox at the Museum of Liverpool Life on the Albert Dock. But fortunately the Ferry Tavern's jukebox is of higher quality.

Hyp-where I live is kind of halfway (ish) between Liverpool and Manchester- maybe about fifteen/twenty miles from the centre of Liverpool, closer than that to some of the outer-lying regions like the airport.

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