This is the Message Centre for egon


Post 1


I haven't written many journal entries lately, largely ebcause for the last eight months I've actually had a Proper Job, so id ecided to write one. I'm not entirely certain what about though.

I could write about politics, about the Lib Dems somehow gaining a massive swing to win a by-election despite apparently being a Party in Crisis [(C) all British media outlets] or about David Cameron being the Emperor's new clothes, or the bizarre sight of right wing American evangelical christians urging Bush to cut global warming, but that's probably all been mentioned on this site and discussed to death in the Forum, or in Ask.

Or I could write about my job, and how I like being part of an organisation which helps the most vulnerable members of society, but that just makes me sound worthy and rather sad.

I could write about my burgeoning obsession with non-league football team Lancaster City and go into their trials and tribulations, but I've already posted about that to the VSC, and everyone else probably doesn't give a toss (to be honest, the VSC didn't seem terribly fascinated either!)

I could write abiout all the hootoo goings on over the last few months, witha ll sorts of people up and leaving and then down and coming back, but I wasn't online much during it, so I wouldn't really know what went on.

Or I could just say "evening all, what's new with you lot then".

Yes, that seems best.

Evening all, what's new with you lot then?


Post 2

Mu Beta

Not a lot. Still playing Championship Manager 01/02. Having found a patch which will set the start date to this season (and includes the NPL, wink wink Lancaster City) and helping the boys with their unofficial update, it's as good as any new releases of Football Manager.



Post 3


A patch to get Lancaster on the game. Intriguing. Are the teams still in the same divisions as in 01-02?


Post 4

Mu Beta

Not with the latest update, of course.

You can get the patch ('Tapani's patch') and update from:



Post 5


Not much new with me, either. I'm planning my spring garden and starting seedlings inside to have ready to set out.

I'm glad you like your job. Makes going in every day a lot easier.


Post 6

Mu Beta

I think the same theory applies to sex.



Post 7


I suppose I'll probably get disillusioned before long- I do seem to be the most cheerful person on my section (and not so coincidentally the newest recruit), and I suppose I'll have to get fed up sooner or later but right now, i like it- the money isn't great but itis reasonable, and I'd only waste any further surplus income anyway.

How's life at the library?


Post 8


We had a trying week. Our quarter million dollar furnace had a major system failure on Friday. We stayed open Saturday, but it was so cold that we closed Monday thru Thursday. It was 10ÂșC part of the time inside the building. We replaced three major parts and it is finally working again. The full warranty ran out the week before the system broke down. How's that for timing? smiley - erm


Post 9


I've had stereos and computers which have given out just after the warranty expired. I think things are just egineered like that sometimes!


Post 10

McKay The Disorganised

I've been a bit busy as you'll know from my journal, and as a result I'm not on hootoo much at the moment (Basically most of my online time is on nights and weekends at work.)

Glad you're enjoying the job still - andthere's nothing wrong wit taking satisfaction from helping someone who needs it.

smiley - cider

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