A Conversation for People for Peace

Peace is too much work and we're a bunch of lazy stupid bums!

Post 21


The friggin headlines are surreal lately.
"Congress trying to guard food supply" ?????
"Postmaster suggests washing hands"
"Jailed Pakistani dies in F.B.I. custody"
"Comics rating system loses power"
"Justin Timberlake's novel canceled"
'"Survivor" to hit South Pacific'
"Powell plans new Afghan government"
(Suppose Mr. Powell might take under advisement what the AFGHANS have to say on that matter??)

Peace is too much work and we're a bunch of lazy stupid bums!

Post 22


Which Powell?

Peace is too much work and we're a bunch of lazy stupid bums!

Post 23

Martin Harper


Peace is too much work and we're a bunch of lazy stupid bums!

Post 24


Is there a difference?
(Insert smiley that implies I'm being a little cynical but my heart's in the right place, which is not supporting Republican gung-ho foreign policy).

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Peace is too much work and we're a bunch of lazy stupid bums!

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