This is the Message Centre for Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)
*something so that it'll post, since you can't do ones*
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Started conversation Sep 20, 2004
I like the 99 cent store (actually, it's got a longer name, but I'm lazy and besides, I can't be accused of advertising if I don't even put the right name) Where else can you get a dvd for 99 cents? Not just renting, but to own--renting's 3-4 times that! OK, sure, quite a few of the offerings are a bit on the cheesy side, but we have found some goodies, some of which may actually have been heard of
Some may actually be classics. We've got 'Road to Bali' which is the only color Road film (Hope and Crosby, if you're wondering) (if you're *still* wondering, then I feel old
), a couple really old John Wayne movies (mid-thirties), 'His Girl Friday' with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russel, a Bogart movie, and a few others that are OK. And then there's tonight's viewing--the original 1925 'Wizard of Oz'
THe only complaint I have is that the dvd producers should have left it silent--the music added seemed to just be a track of silent movie music left on repeat--it certainly did NOT match the action, and the themes repeated, including the really annoying electronic sounding one
--and the lady reading the dialog must've been just reading off a page without seeing the film, because what little emotion there was in her voice didn't match the actors'... But that was easily fixed by hitting the mute button
*something so that it'll post, since you can't do ones*
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Sep 22, 2004
That still sounds more exciting than the one I got, where Marcel Marceau was at the opera, and he mimed three whole arias beforre the men in white coats dragged him away to the funny farm.
(Just kidding; there was no such video )
*something so that it'll post, since you can't do ones*
Lady Scott Posted Sep 22, 2004
I have a question:
Have the house rules been tightened up to the point where you can't even mention a brand name or the name of a store on here without someone thinking you're advertising? This is the second post I've seen with that sort of reference in the last couple of days.
I thought it was supposed to be a matter of not posting links to sites that were specifically sales oriented (although you could certainly give the address in such a way that it won't work as a link, just by leaving off the www. part) or more sales oriented than information oriented, and not posting something that's obvious advertizing for a company, but even that would have to be proven to be advertizing, because people often quote advertizing slogans and such in posts.
*something so that it'll post, since you can't do ones*
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Sep 22, 2004
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*something so that it'll post, since you can't do ones*
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