A Conversation for The Nordic Researchers Club

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 41

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

smiley - yuk

smiley - dragon

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 42

Santragenius V

smiley - biggrin

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 43

Milla, h2g2 Operations

What kind of firewater would ms Dragonqueen prefer then? smiley - smiley

smiley - towel

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 44

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

None, unfortunately smiley - sadface

It's cranberry juice nowadays... but saves me from the risk of getting smiley - hangoversmiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 45

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Ah, pity. But there are all sorts of soft drinks that we can provide!
smiley - towel

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 46


Life is a gamble anyway. smiley - zen

God Jul! Merry X-mas!

Post 47

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

as is snaps smiley - zen

turns out they sold *my* bommerlunder snaps still to a company in the south of germany what moved the lot and all the w*rkplaces and now it tastes like something a smiley - pony might produce - if it had diabetes smiley - yuk

smiley - pirate

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