A Conversation for Talking Point: Bond, James Bond...

Best Bond

Post 41

Demon Drawer

Ok so our list of definitve Bonds is now

The Scores on the Doors

Barry Nelson 0
Bob Holness 0
Sean Connery 7.33*

Woody Allen 0
Peter Sellers 0
David Niven 0
Ursula Andress 0
+ host of others from Casino Royale

George Lazenby 2
Roger Moore 1 -^
Timothy Dalton 2.33*
Peirce Brosnan 4.33*

And for the girls

Ursula Andress 3
Isabella Scorupco 1

*Vote of Blat split three ways.

Best Bond

Post 42


Movies and Actors in some sort of chronological order:
Dr No - Connery
From Russia With Love - Connery
Goldfinger - Connery
Casino Royale (unofficial movie) - Allen, Sellers, Niven
Thunderball - Connery
You Only Live Twice - Connery
On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Lazenby
Diamonds Are Forever - Connery returns for one night only (or maybe not)
Live & Let Die - Moore
The Man with the Golden Gun - Moore
The Spy Who Loved Me - Moore
This is where I get a bit scratchy
Moonraker - Moore
For Your Eyes Only - Moore
Never Say Never Again (unoffical movie based on Thunderball) - Connery
Octopussy - Moore
A View to A Kill - Moore
Living Daylights - Dalton
Licence To Kill - Dalton
Goldeneye - Brosnan
Tomorrow Never Dies - Brosnan
The World Is Not Enough - Brosnan
Er, that's it

Best Bond

Post 43

Will Of God

Is it me or have the recent badguys basically sucked? I mean Bond is in serious need of another SPECTRE. A broadcast mogal or mutant terrorist is no replacment....

Best Bond

Post 44

Demon Drawer

Depends on the mutant terrorist! Although I don't think George Bush makes a very good Bond somehow, and he'd never order a vodka martini even if they did give him the part. smiley - smiley

Bond (as played by George Dubya): Hi there folks, the names Bond, James Dubya Bond. Just don't mention daddy.

Blofeld: Ah Meesta Bond, we meet again. Can I get you a drink?

Bond: Why gee thanks Bloey a Orange Juice would be just fine, with a dash of ice.

Blofeld: (looks shocked) You're not the real Bond. (reaches for the mask) Aha!

Bond (now revealed to be William Hague): Ah you have got me there Blofeld. All I wanted to do was save the pound, but you have spoiled my plot once more. The only thing I can say is that niether you nor Ken Clarke will get the better of me. (opens cigarette holder and smokes the room)

Blofeld: Find him someone, he's the one with no hair. (pause) Not me you imbecile the other one with no hair.

Best Bond

Post 45

Dark Side of the Goon

William Hague as Bond? That has a certain something to it.

How to people feel about the replacement of Desmond Llewellyn (Q)?

Personally, I'll miss him terribly. I think Cleese will be a decent Q in his stead, however.

Do pay attention 007...

Best Bond

Post 46

Demon Drawer

What this thread drops off the actual page so people set up their own threads about best bond. As if my life as Tally man isn't hard enough. smiley - sadface

Best Bond

Post 47

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)


If I remember rightly, the new Q is actually called R smiley - winkeye !!


The phrase "He disagreed with something that ate him" does appear in one of the films, the "Living Daylights" I think, when Felix Leiter got married and was put into a shark tank. The bit of him that was left had a note left tied to/left on him with the phrase written on it, in blood I think - Not too sure how accurate all the details are but I've definitely heard/seen that in a film before!

Sad eh?


Best Bond

Post 48

Bambi - Keeper of Crystals and Royal Heart Royal (The Stag of Balwyniti)

Sorry, wrong film, it was "Licence to Kill", I always get those two muddled, which I guess says what I think of them.

On the subject of baddies, Louis Jourdan has to be one of the best acted. And the bit where the car doesn't start is simply brilliant!


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