A Conversation for Faculty of Social Sciences


Post 1


Researcher xyroth
multiple existing pages, but no obvious front page yet
subject: intelligence

After all the trouble in the intelligence forum, I volunteered to take over the entry. It has since proven to be too big for 1 entry, and as of today, there are aready 5 in reasonable form, but in need of further work.
As there are now over 86k in notes, I can see there being at least another three that I can identify right away, with possibly another eight that might need writing. There may be more needed as well, therefore I can not be to specific on the closing date until it is nearer completion.

The thread that started this all is on http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F59234?116555&latest=1 and the one for the project is on http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F52078?123587&latest=1

Proposed Start Date: 25th of June 2001
Proposed End Date: sometime in August 2001 (hopefully)


Post 2


It'd be a good subject. I can't see a link to the project page, or an A number reference to it. Have you done one? If not, read the University applications page fully, it gives instructions and a link to an example page.




Post 3


http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A584525 Intelligence project index now created as per your command, but I have a slight problem with department and faculty. read the page and folow the external link for a detailed explanation of the term nexialism.


Post 4


Hi xyroth

The department of 'Nexialism' isn't suitable unfortunately. There are no such departments in British universities and the Guide is based on real-life earth concepts. So why don't you have another discussion with your co-workers and let me know which department you think is most suitable?

When writing the project pages, avoid using words or terms that are not in general usage, whenever possible. The Guide is written in a style that is accessible to the general population, so explain things as simply and as clearly as you can. If using a technical word or term is unavoidable, make sure that you explain the term clearly, either within the text or by using a footnote.

Okay, how does that sound? smiley - smiley



Post 5


It sounds like a good idea, but how do you restrict a project of this scope to one department without hamstringing yourself on being able to do a decent job. If you choose psychology, you have a problem fitting in bits about intelligence amplification and computer simulation of language and minds. If you make it the computer department, you exclude the stuff about animal intelligence, and if you make it the vetenary department, you excude the stuff on psychometrics which covers both psychology and mathematical modelling.
Any sugestions from yourself or the rest of the powers that be would be greatly appreciated.


Post 6


Department: philosophy
Faculty: social sciences

and mikey has agreed to sub it.


Post 7


Hi folks,

Sorry - somehow I missed this project when I took over the University from Peta. Tell you what, I'll fully blame her on the off-chance that she doesn't drop by... smiley - winkeye

I'll add your project to my list and put it up in the relevant faculty pages. The way I think I'm going to get round this 'categorisation' problem is to put multiple postings in multiple departments (and faculties). As far as intelligence is concerned, I think the most appropriate would be:

Social Science/Psychology
Applied Science & Engineering/Computer Science

I think the subject of animal intelligence doesn't really belong in Vetinary science, which is generally more concerned with anatomical matters (and animal intelligence could arguably be condensed to human perception anyway...).

I'm tempted to put it in Philosophy as well, though, if anyone can convince me... smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers


Post 8


If asking what is intelligence, how does it differ between species, and similar questions are not philosophy, I have a hat here in need of eating smiley - biggrin


Post 9


I would argue they're biology, or possibly cognitive science questions. They might impinge on philosophy's territory if you discussed how much our perception of other creatures' (or even our) intelligence is down to anthropomorphisation or insufficient understanding of the emergent properties of complex systems...

What I *would* consider to be in philosophy's realm is the question of whether intelligence makes us any 'happier', but that's bound to lead into rather deep waters.

Or I might put it in if you can tell me a good joke. smiley - smiley


Post 10


intelligence does not make you happier, but it does extend the amount of descrimination you can apply to the better things in life which can make you happier.

an example of this is the way that almost all of the celebrity chef's ith their highly descriminating palete's are usually obviously highly intelligent.

when you start applying this descriminating ability to nuances of emotion, and life generally, then your potential for happiness is greatly increased.

Thread Moved

Post 11

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'The University Admissions Office' to 'Faculty of Social Sciences'.

Project: Intelligence - Abandoned

Post 12


Researcher: xyroth - U149792

Project Page: A584525 - Intelligence

A598584 - Intelligence - an overview
A582266 - What is intelligence
A582239 - General intelligence
A582257 - Intelligence tests
A582284 - Machines and intelligence
A582220 - Specific intelligences
A582248 - Evoked potential
A585281 - Intelligence Amplification
A582293 - Intelligence and genius (a better name is needed here)
A598575 - Intelligence and learning
A589647 - Intelligence and learning difficulties
A582275 - Animal intelligence
A582301 - Theories of intelligence
A639281 - Intelligence and Genetics
A656633 - the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale.
A639290 - Fluid Intelligence
A639308 - Crystalline intelligence
A650350 - Psychometrics

No Edited Entries


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