A Conversation for The H2G2 Programmers' Corner

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 21

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

wuw, bit big, is that the download, because that would take me 4/5 hours to download.

-- DoctorMO --

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 22

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

no - its just a bloody good compression. The zips only about 8/9mb

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 23

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

btw...you want to be thinking [URL removed by moderator]

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 24

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

CPAN might be a good place to look (even for free scripts). Just remember it's a non-profit ORGanisation, not a COMpany.

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 25

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

I wrote the words out in full and they still moderated it smiley - cry

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 26

some bloke who tried to think of a short, catchy, pithy name and spent five sleepless nights trying but couldn't think of one

They haven't moderated mine (yet)

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 27


Activeperl is a little large but it does have to cope with being on a windoze machine so I can forgive it.

I remember when perls had something to do with oysters....

Post 28

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

you know I some times wounder why they bother.

-- DoctorMO --

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