A Conversation for Vampire the Masquerade

Join me up

Post 1

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

This is the joining thread, please don't enter the game until you have been ok-ed by me...the Prince smiley - winkeye

Can I join Vampire?

Post 2

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Name: Tijerius
Character name: Tijerius
Appearance: Tall and slight, blonde hair down to his shoulders and blue eyes.
Clan: It is impolite to ask the Prince his clan
Do you want to apply for a position in the city? I am the Prince

Just checking this link works really

Can I join Vampire?

Post 3

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Name: Lil
Upage: U551837
Character name: Lady Lowell
Appearance: Petite, with long black hair. Dark blue eyes.
Clan: Ventrue
Background: Ambitious. Spoilt.
Do you want to apply for a position in the city?

Can I join Vampire?

Post 4

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Welcome Lady Lowell, please proceed to the 'Elysium' thread and present yourself formally in character to the Prince smiley - smiley

Can I join Vampire?

Post 5


Name: Zak
Upage: Not sure
Character name: William Wormwood
Appearance: Short and stocky with bulging muscles, always immaculately dressed. Dark hair and eyes.
Clan: Nosferatu
Background: Moved from London where he served as PA to the Nosferatu Justicar
Do you want to apply for a position in the city? Sheriff, or Harpy please hunny

Can I join Vampire?

Post 6

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Just appear in Elysium hunny, you know how these games work. You can apply for the position you want formally to the Prince

Can I join Vampire?

Post 7

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Tanis if you look below your Tag name on the right of your Intro Page, you will see you User Number.. and if you type U8322068 it will become hightlighted.

T, if you go into Edit on the RPG A Page, you can scroll down to where your number is shown in a box, if you put my number 551837, 8322068, the Page will appear on mine and Tanis's Guide Entries. smiley - ok

As a new member joins, you can do the same for them.

Don't forget, I won't be here tomorrow, hopefully, I will be online late tomorrow night or sometime on Tuesday. The others will look after you smiley - hug

lil xx

Can I join Vampire?

Post 8

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Name: Tavaron
Upage: U1314679
Character name: Elizabeth Batory
Appearance: tall, long black hair, dark eyes
Clan: Tremere
Background: we'll find out
Do you want to apply for a position in the city? member of the council

Can I join Vampire?

Post 9

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Welcome, please proceed to the Elysium thread, announce yourself to the Prince and make your application to the council formalsmiley - smiley

Can I join Vampire?

Post 10


Character name:Dante Strife

Appearance:6 Foot, slim, Blue eyes, long blonde hair always kept in a pony tail, always dressed in expensive suits of the time period


Background:18th Century noble man with old money, turn just before 1800 in San Gabriel, California and has lived in that part of the world since moving to this city. During his time in San Gabriel, Dante recived the ear of the Prince and became his Sheriff. He also embrassed the one he lusted after, Catherine, the mayor of San Gabriel's daughter. Unfortunately, he did not forfill his duty to protect the Prince and he was releaved of his title and banished from California. He has since wondered America and finally having enough of the New World he broaded a boat and sailed into Portsmouth where he and his love have now made their home.

Do you want to apply for a position in the city?
Your highness, I ask kindly that you would consider me for your Sheriff so that my tarnsition into your city might be as smooth as possible for Catherine and myself.

Can I join Vampire?

Post 11

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Another character has asked for Sheriff already, however, he also asked for Harpy. Do you have experience of Masquerdade? It is just I wanted the Sheriff to understand the game, as it is a position that requires knowledge of the traditions, etcsmiley - smiley

Can I join Vampire?

Post 12


Yes, I have experience of the game and of the traditions that the families must uphold. I do not mind being Harpy either as it is a Ventrue's duty to know everyone and their business. Tee Heesmiley - biggrin

Can I join Vampire?

Post 13

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

No, that's fine. I think Zak would much prefer Harpy as he likes putting people in their places. Make your way to Elysium and announce yourself and your companion formally to the Prince. You can make a formal application to be Sheriff to him, but he wn't hire you unless you impress him smiley - laugh

Can I join Vampire?

Post 14

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Also, anyone can just join in the OOC thread...for nonsense and general chattingsmiley - biggrin

Can I join Vampire?

Post 15

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Upage: U203430
Character name: Alicia Elentil
Appearance: slightly taller than average long red/brown hair green eyes
Clan: Toreador
Background: unknown
Do you want to apply for a position in the city? yes

Can I join Vampire?

Post 16

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

please proceed to Elysium and apply for the position officially to the Prince

Welcome aboard...smiley - biggrin

Can I join Vampire?

Post 17


Name: Aximili
Upage: U4646274
Character name: Arrix "Aximili" Alundil
Appearance: Tall and slender. Very slender. Also pale, even by vampire standards. He speaks with a very aristocratic drawl and often takes pains to make himself sound even more high-born.
Clan: Ventrue
Background: Arrix has never spoken of his background to anyone. All anyone has ever known about him is only that he has spent much of his life and after-life in England. Perhaps more will be found out in due course.
Do you want to apply for a position in the city? If there are any available.

Can I join Vampire?

Post 18


The Prince isn't here right now, but I am the City Sheriff and as such welcome you to the RPG. Please go to the Elysium thread and begin in character.

As for a position within the City, you'll have to talk to the Prince. But I believe he is still looking for more Primogen Council, there are no Harpies (although you just become one of those, as it isn't an official position) and I could use another Hound if you want

Can I join Vampire?

Post 19

Tijerius aka Deep - Prince of Requiem City

Here I am, I'll add you to the list of members in a little while smiley - smiley

Can I join Vampire?

Post 20

Gemini the elder

Upage: U8433391
Character name: Victor Pride
Appearance: Tall and blonde, with blue eyes
Clan: Ventrue...honest
Background: Came to the city looking for lost relations
Do you want to apply for a position in the city? But of course

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