A Conversation for Using Calligraphy

japanese lettering

Post 1


Hello all.

My teacher recommended I ask the H2G2 community to help me as he described them/you as 'literate' and 'helpful', so here's what I need to know...

I am doing a project with a Japanese theme and really need to find out what certain words and phrases look like when written in Japanese. They are 'cherry blossom' and the phrase 'it's not what you think'. Can anybody help me find somewhere on the internet that can translate or can anyone draw it as a picture and upload it and give me the link (asking a lot I know, but you've got to speculate to accumulate... smiley - smiley ). Please don't write swear words and tell me it means cherry blossom though as that could lead to head ache smiley - sadface

I don't know how anybody is expected to find this post as I haven't acclimatised myself to this website yet but hello to anyone who has!



japanese lettering

Post 2

Terwal Oni

To use the translating system you first must have your windows disk and upgrade to all languages for wirting characters. Then go to Alta vista and click translation, enter your English text and select English to Japanese. Press the translate button, it only takes a few seconds.

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