A Conversation for Australian and NZ Researchers

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 1


I was sure that I had asked to be put on the Sydney list -- but then..... Alzheimer's , or loss of cells through over-indulgence in alcohol probably struck me down in mid attempt to register .

So -- dob me on the list if you think you could bear it .


I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 2

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

You probably did, but Cafram's been pretty absent lately... she might have just missed you, or forgotten... or maybe she really hates you and it's all part of an evil plot smiley - winkeye Well, probably not, but I don't want to speak for her smiley - winkeye She'll get around to it eventually, don't you worry smiley - ok

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 3


That posting has helped my paranoia no end !

Pass the razor blade.

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 4

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

smiley - laugh Sorry about that smiley - winkeye Cafram's only just come back from uni, where she had very little chance to access the internet, and now her ability to access is uncertain - or uncertain to me, at least smiley - tongueout She will be along, and whilst I can't *definitely* rule out a conspiracy against you, that's only because I can't rule out an alien abduction, either smiley - winkeye

Feel any better now? smiley - winkeye

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 5


looking over shoulder for aliens

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 6

cafram - in the states.

smiley - martiansmile

Fear not, brislib, the conspiracy was called off due to lack of funding, and I'm pleased to say you're now on the list! smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 7

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

See! Nothing for you to worry about brislib smiley - winkeye

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 8


Thank you , cafram .

But though the conspiracy has folded , I am not too sure about those aliens

They are cunning devils , you know .

I seem to have lost me somewhere among the jumbled neurones

Post 9

cafram - in the states.

That they are smiley - winkeye

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