A Conversation for Writing Guidelines


Post 1


do you think the moon is spinning faster?


Post 2


faster than what? hehe. just joking.

good question. unfortunately i have no idea. i'd like to hear what others have to say about that too.


Post 3


that could depend on 2 things

a) if your not talking angular velocity then the point of reference is fairly important

b) the amount of beer you've consumed


Post 4


Which is sometimes, I dare say, a large amount.


Post 5

Dr Prunesquallor

The moon doesn't spin unless you're talking about it orbiting the Earth. Hence it has a dark side.


Post 6


Yes, i know that the moon does not spin and that it has a dark side (which, by the way, is where I'll be seen a little later on). I was just wondering if others thought it was spinning faster or not.


Post 7


Are you spinning faster than the moon?
Is the moon spinning faster than me?


Post 8

Dr Prunesquallor

Ah sorry my mistake...


Post 9


I'm spinning faster than everything (at lesat my head is). =)
I'm not to sure if you are spinning slower that the moon or not. Perhaps this is a good question for you yourself to look into. I think you'll find that you will get an answer much quicker that way. Good luck with that one. =)


Post 10


No no, entirely my fault. Sorry.


Post 11


The moon has a dark side? Has it gone over to its dark side? If so, we may never be safe again.

Imagine it - being controlled by your own natural satellite...


Post 12


If the moon didn't spin at all it wouldn't have a dark side


Post 13

Stressed Eric

Now it just so happens that I am an expert (or should that read Sexpert) on the moon, or, as it happens, any satellite orbiting any of the planets in our solar system, with the noted exception of a couple of planets that do not have moons.

Meanwhile, what the hell was I talking about?


Post 14


yes, what were you talking about..


Post 15

The Q

Pink...how could you miss the obvious reference here...okay, I will then:
I'LL SEE YOU ON THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, Whooooaaaawhoooooaoooooaoo...... smiley - winkeye

Are we sure the moon doesn't spin? I think it actually does, or it would have trouble maintaining its orbit, and stuff like that, but I'm no lunar-tic. Sorry. I'm no expert anyway, but the dark bit is just in the shade, right?

Furthermore, what if it is spinning faster - is this significant, and should I prepare undergarments accordingly?


Post 16


I,d really like to start a colony on the moon, I mean, after all, by the time all this stuff that is supposed to happen next year and stuff, then we may not have a choice, but we have to create an atmosphere first, or go into mass production with the space suit thing, or sticky boots, or something, and certain types of underwear even!! hhhmmm... food for thought, then theres the issue of beer, how to brew it on the moon, or how to consume it whilst wearing a space suit....man...so much to think about and plan...


Post 17


I think beer brewed in 0 (or less) gravity would taste better. As for space suits, why would we have to wear them in the colony? But yes, I think the biggest problem with colonization and space travel is how best to prepare and consume alcohol.


Post 18


Of course the moon spins - as someone pointed out - if it didn't it would have a constantly changing face. The man on the moon would look different in different parts of the world. The rate of spin is such that the speed of revolution around the earth allows us to see only one side. Last time I looked, it looked pretty much the same as it always has - ergo, the rate of spin has not changed


Post 19

Researcher 33717

The moon does spin and does NOT have a dark side. If it were speeding up then we would start to see further round the side that always faces away from earth. The moons spin matches the period it takes to orbit the earth. ERGO, or something.... Bit heavy that. Here's a childish joke to calm things down a little. "how do ghosts make love"..."They put the willies up each other"...BOOM,BOOM!!!


Post 20


Oh, yeah, of course it doesn't have a dark side... otherwise it'd be a full moon all the time, silly me, sorry smiley - smiley

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