A Conversation for Writing Guidelines


Post 21


It does have adark side, of course it does, has Pink Floyd disillusioned us all this time!? Man I feel like my bubble is about to burst, and Im also sure it must be speeding up, becuase isnt the Earth speeding up...I feel sooo confused


Post 22


Have no fears sway, Pink Floyd would never tell a lie like that. Don't worry about your bubble bursting, everything breaks eventually. Unless your one of sick people that have to live in a bubble; then I would advise you to be very worried. =)


Post 23


But did you actually see Pink Floyd on the dark side of the moon?
Did anyone check they were there? Because that would be a good way to test their honesty: maybe we won't see Pink Floyd on the dark side of the moon, which would be a good thing because they are boring and over-rated.smiley - winkeye


Post 24

Jenny and Fred the cheese

what you don't know is the moon does not have a dark side, the area which is not lit up by the suns rays is lit by a young donut boy with a flashlight floating a few hundred miles above the surface of the moon on his mobile space guitar


Post 25


the moon does have a dark side, but it is not always dark, eclipses of the sun,forinstance smiley - smiley


Post 26


I think that perhaps we are dwelling on the wrong thing. Its not that the moon is spinning faster, its the DIRECTION in which the moon is spinning that's important, especially for lunar colonists. That way we'll know whether they should be left or right handed.


Post 27

Researcher 33717

It IS made of cheese, you know. It has extra strong timbers at the back holding up a flat steel disc. This is covered in paint and smeared with cottage cheese. That's why when people look through a telescope at it all they can see are cottages. Pretty little ones with thatch and there's a dear old lady that serves cream teas from one of them. I know, I've been there!

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