A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 81

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Shall have to cut this short, I'm due down the job centre to sign on. Ah this life of luxury of mine jobless and elfing for Qi.

But I'll be back to sort out the scores.

Hope you all enjoyed that. It's been a while since I did QI question

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 82

Taff Agent of kaos

royal jelly is a Gel that is fed to a grub, then when the grub emerges its a young queen

queen bees are4 made and not laid/born

smiley - bat

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 83


Well, that was very instructive! smiley - smiley

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 84

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

QI - - Murder at The Palace!

Correct smiley - diva (+3)
Hygienic Dispenser (23) - 'a piping sound'
Argon (54) - 'Are we talking about a Queen Bee?'
RF (62) - 'multiple queens fight to the death'
Taff (71) - 'Hive swarms, Queen leaves to find pastures new.'
Argon (76) - "She has to get her own drones/workers on-side'
Argon (78) - 'Queens make another noise other than 'buzz' - a piping noise when they fight.'

QI Bonus smiley - eureka (+6)
RF (34) Edward II - Hellfire and Buggery (in no particular order)

DGI Bonus smiley - doh (+1)
Argon (10) - What does the piping consist of?'
Toybox (17) - 'Some guy was sexed to death - no!'
Hygienic Dispenser (21) - 'Malicious playing'

Klaxon smiley - bluelight(-5)

None Awarded!

Elf Bonus smiley - elf (+2)

Total to be added or subtracted.
Argon +10
RF +9
Hygienic Dispenser +4
Taff +3
Clive +2
Toybox +1

There's no sign of Colony-Collapse Disorder in this vigourous and energetic bunch of buzzers - not a single klaxon!

Plucked from obscurity but with that devilish twinkle in one of his compound eyes sure to turn a girl's probosis, the cutest drone of the Hive, He's QI Royalty now - It's Argon with +10. smiley - loveblush

The busiest worker who gets all the drudgery and none of the credit - but not today, in a nail-biting 2nd place, it's RF with +9 smiley - biggrin

Sweeter than honey, pollen a respectful third place, it's HD with +4 (pollen, geddit? like pollin' - oh nevermind! smiley - rolleyes ) smiley - cheerup

Well that's that quiet enough waxing lyrical from me.
I should rally bee-have and make a bee-line for the exit. (no, quite right madam. He is awful smiley - tongueout)

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 85


What were the klaxons by the way?

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 86

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

All based around royalty and Cluedo.

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 87


Lucky I didn't mention Col. Mustard then. Phew! smiley - biggrin

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 88

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Exceedingly. smiley - winkeye

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 89


SCORES POSTED smiley - smiley

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 90


OOps wont load KHS Knac***** Hampster Syndoome I will have to do it again smiley - grr later

QI - Murder at The Palace!

Post 91

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

"Select All"




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