A Conversation for Intelligence and Genius

Can I help?

Post 1



I can't help but feel this article is incomplete, somehow... Can I help by making a few suggestions?

For a start, I would give it the title 'Intelligence and Giftedness' - better defined, and with less of the connotations of superiority; genius was first used on IQ tests as a descriptive indicator for scorers the higher ranges of intelligence, the lower scorers often being labelled 'moron' or 'imbecile'. I wouldn't use the last two, so why use the former?

Oh, and it'd be good to have a distinction between 'gifted' and 'talented'.

Oh, oh! And perhaps I could write an article about the Weschler IQ test, which I took only two months ago - I still have the official report at home. smiley - smiley

I have some more ideas for this article, so if it's OK, I'd be happy to submit them for your approval.

- Jordan

Can I help?

Post 2


all help greatly received.

yes, it does need a better name, and I don't like the connotations that go with using genius, but I don't think gifted or talented really is any good as a replacenemt.

gifted seems to imply exceptional ability at ...
talented is usefull, but independant of intelligence (as long as you have enough) so that isn't really a good replacement either.

as to helping, feedback is the most immediate need (it was the drying up of feedback which put this project to sleep).

of course if you have any specialist knowledge, then that helps too.

I look forward to hearing your comments on the other entries as well.

Can I help?

Post 3


I really think you should define giftedness better -- there is a lot more to it than 'an above average IQ'..IE, a high level of emotional complexity, creativity, leadership, critical thought, a very strong moral ethic.

Also, a section about secondary emotional and behavioural problems would be well advised..

Can I help?

Post 4


hmm... I wil have a think about those secondary problems.

as to having better definitions, everyone thinks the definitions could be better, but all in different and often incompatable ways.

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