A Conversation for Intelligence and Genius


Post 1

Researcher 206773

I'm 15 years old and I am placed in the genius category (IQ 160). Let me tell everybody out there, that it is a curse!

It is the cause of much anguish and to be honest I would appreciate a frontal labotomy.


Post 2


You just stay on the internet, soon all your brain cells will drain away...


Post 3


unfortunately, a frontal lobotomy does not stop you being intelligent, only from deciding to use it, as it damages your motivational areas.


Post 4


Ah yes, the true sign of a genius, an IQ test! Indeed it can be a curse, I remember someone saying "help my child, he is afflicted with giftedness!" Too bad there is not enough funding for this segment of the population in schools -- it is really needed.smiley - erm


Post 5


this is often why the highly intelligent end up being home educated.

I agree with you about the funding problems.


Post 6


Too bad there isn't enough funding for any segment of the population in schools. Ho hum.

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