This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 41

badger party tony party green party

Can you not give me hard time for stuff you are doing yourself.

I am at work at the moment and have not had time to respond to all the stuff. Patients.

I have infact said I thought you were inaccurate and not lying on the PBA thread about those figures that Hoo disputed. However you have still not come up with anyproof of the fact you asserted there that more men than woemen were protermination/choice. You said you could and would. Havce you forgotten it has been months, or were you lieing then too?

Yopu are still here and Adele was you, so when under the Adele log-in you said I'm leaving, you were lieing.

smiley - rainbow

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 42

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

The proof is on paper, and not on a link (that men are more likely to be pro-abortion than women).
The point is, that the thing I wanted you to read is an apology for my 'racism' that you really *must* read - but after the way I saw you had attacked Wraith, I almost regretted making it! You have no idea what he and I experienced, and no right to criticise him for his reaction to Hoo/Member/Number's childish insult directed at me.
I have been over the Adele thing with azahar until I am smiley - blue in the face with arguing about it, and if that's the only 'lie' you and she can come up with, I am sorry for your intemperance. Check out my 'discussion' with her on Hoo/Member/Number's 'very funny' thread - it's pretty darn pointless, but I will *not* be called a liar for something which was innocent in fact and in intent!
Re the proof, I'll see if I can find it right now, given that we *finally* have the Internet at home. (I work part time, and we're not exactly flush!)
Here it is - and you'll have to take my word for what it says:
"Headline -
Abortion more popular with Men
Los Angeles - Twenty five national polls taken over 12 years show that American women consistently oppose abortion more than men do by an average of 6 per cent."
That's a photcopy from an issue of a magazine called Humanity that I used to write for, and it's undated. but come from 1991 or 1996, I am not sure which.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 43

badger party tony party green party

Jim Broke, Mathssmiley - wizard.

I have known who he is for quite a while this IS a public space.

Della I was not trying to insult him have a look around at what I post to others. Then have a look at what I post to you. I do my best to address the issues. Sometimes I dont mange to always do this but what do you want me to do in the face of you you have posted as yourself and Adele? Ignore your attitude, sorry its not going to happen.

However I have never picked on you, you have got exactly the same response anyone would have making those same posts. Infact the way I have treated you as you and you as Adele should tell you that. I did not know about the two log-ins at first it only became apparent later.

As for using Jimmy to back you up all I said was:

What Jimmy is supposed to have said has come through Della. Della who point blank told people that she was leaving the site when infact she was staying but only using one sign-on there are other examples of her lying, but I wont even stoop to what Hoo called lies when she was posting inaccurate figures on the PBA thread, I could give more if you like....?

"Jimmys information" could perhaps be influenced by the fact that he wnts to support his mother and tainted by the fact that he lives under the influence of someone who is very stressed at the moment. He also lives with someone who tells us shes a christian.

"Honour thy father and mother"

What I am trying to say is that I do not question his honesty but for you to tell us something is fact is a different thing. You have told lies so often you are not worth believeing any longer.

If you told me Jimmy said his name began with a J, I would check with him before taking it as true. If you told me it was raining out I would check on a weather site at the soonest available point, get the picture now.

Moreover if what Jimmy says is true the W-word that started all this is actually being used by him and his friends in a similar way, it may not beloaded with the racist overtones I explained to you, but it still being used to denote someone who is taken by the speaker to be reprehensible for adopting what the speaker perceives to be a different lifestyle. ie a "wannabe" I did not know this at the time but even when you explained this it did not and does not change the fact that the other W-word has a racist begining and still is used by racists at present. Which is all I was trying to explain to you. If you had taken that on board at first things would be oh so different now.

smiley - rainbow

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 44

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blicky, I didn't say that I think you're reprehensible for adopting a different lifestyle - or that as black culture is inferior I think you're wrong to adopt it. (Which you did accuse me of saying.)
I said that you're a phoney, and you never have said that you are in fact black. I have often said that if you are in fact black, I will happily apologise for saying you're not! Simple.
Don't insult Jimmy, or Wraith - because you will have done something I can't overlook. I have never lied about anything - end of story. I got the 'w' expression from a rock vodeo, asked Jimmy what it meant and he told me.
But it doesn't matter what I say, you and your mates have made up your minds that I am a liar. Funny, only the three (or six, if Hoo/Member/Number really *is* three different people) think that.
I didn't use Jimmy to back me up. I told *someone else* that I'd learned the expression from him, and I did - that is, I learned what it meant here and in the USA where the rock video came from. (Funny thing is, you're much more pro-American than I am, but as we get most of our media from there, I probably know more about the ins and outs of American pop culture than you do...)
As for 'Honour thy Father and Mother' - that is to laugh! He's a teenager, he isn't a Christian and he isn't my puppet as you seem to think. But diss him, and you'll really get me angry.
Oh, s*d it, I am going to bed. call me a liar if you want, you will anyway, whatever I say. It's 23.46 hrs here, I am fed up with arguing, I have tried to explain to you and az, I am sick of it. Refer my 'I have been thinking' post and READ IT!
What about the info you said you wanted? Does it not matter after all, or is just that my posting it proves that (once again) I *didn't* lie?

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 45

badger party tony party green party

smiley - book
Yes, I'll 'come clean' - that 'character' Adele the divided *is* associated with me.

You posted this not with the words I am in it, but chose to say associated with. That is an example of an untruth, a misdirection, an attempt to deceive in short a lie. One of many. Infact if you look at earlier postings of yours on this page you will see more examples of where you were economical with the truth.

I can also see examples of where you think you are right and refuse to acpet anyone else's point of view on a subject, but more of that later.

I did find your post to me amongst the many on my page. I usually go through my conversationlist and not my messages so it was way down on my conv list.

smiley - bookBlickybadger - it is a good thing that I had determined to do this in the shower this morning, or after seeing post 34 on the 'teenager' thread, I'd be having second and third thoughts...
I apologise that my post with the 'w' word upset you.

I never said it upset me. Iwas not hurt in the least by it. What did bother me was that you went on the attack again, this I am used to. What would have been good is if you had accepted then wht you seem to accpet now. That is that the word is a bad one to use and has wider neaning than the definition you know.

smiley - book
It doesn't matter what the word means to me, or to anyone else - what matters is what you took it to mean, and that you were offended. For that, I apologise.

Thank you for the apology but please remember, it is not "what I took it to mean" rather it is the ACTUAL and ORIGINAL meaning of the word, that I was pointing out to you. Like I said at the time it is offensive to many people and could get you labeled as a racist.

smiley - book
The fact that *since* the original offence, you have several times called me (and my son - who'll have to deal with this himself, and he is on here...) an habitual liar, is immaterial to that.

I have not said a thing about anything your son has said,(I can only call it the way I see it) only what YOU said your son said, given some of the wayward and less than truthful stuff you have posted in the past I hope you realise why it is I called in to question what YOU said he was saying.

I have mentioned to Hoo (as you well know because you thanked me for it at the time) that I thought he was operating or had operated other log-ins. He pretended not toknow anythign, whereas you chose to blast other people and accuse them of "going off half cocked".

I cant really say if you get very angry or hurt. What is sure is that there is a lot in your posts that can hurt other people and you get treated accordingly. Rather than spouting off on the god thread about me and az you could have just got on with things, they dont hate you and I cant see why you fear them.

My view of all my conversations has always been peaceful (despite my jokey references to fights) and I never wished harm either pysical or emotional on anyone. Yet I will not stand by for things i don not agree with and will post accordingly.

smiley - peacesign

As for the evidence of 6% more men being in favour of abortion than women I contest that as conclusive for

1, It was only carried out in one country.

2, We do not have the name of the group carrying out the survey.

3, we have no idea of their sample size for the survey.

4, The difference is so small that in the definately 7 years and possibly longer since the survey was carried out positions amongst men and women caould have changed.

In short that survey gives the views of an unkown amount of men and women in one country several years ago. Even taking the survey makers impartiality for granted it is still not a good guide to opnion in 2003/4.

smiley - rainbow

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 46

Researcher 538645

"Well lets not have it going around that I insult youngsters."

Who are you calling a youngster, pee wee?

Adele (like many other second accounts around here) was created because the Della account was non functioning.

I have had to do a similar thing myself once.

BTW I am posting this from work and I've never used work for any weak excuses.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 47

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blicky, as I said, it's immaterial what I say, you and you mates have got your minds made up that I lie... so I have just this one more thing to say.
You seem to be under the misapprehension that I have only *one* son. I have 3. Kindly don't insult any of them.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 48

badger party tony party green party

Pee weesmiley - laugh

I suppose if you are 6'10" tall and about 20 stones you could call me pee wee. I which case woohoo for you you are bigger than me gosh Im really impressed!

ANd you've got a job too and you dont post your ususal rubbish from work you keep it to your best and most useful stuff. Gosh wraith Im even more impressed now.

Shamme you havent got anything better to say than leave Della alone.

Well your wish is granted.

It seems that at great lenght and pains I finally got my point through to her. You can al go around imaginging insults where ther are none and playing the victim to your hearts content.

Goodbyesmiley - rainbow

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 49

Researcher 538645

smiley - smileysmiley - musicalnote ding dong, the witch is dead smiley - musicalnote

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 50

Researcher 524695

Note to the depressingly stupid Della:

This is the only account I have. When I joined, my BBC name was "Member", so that was my screen-name. I recently discovered I could change my screen-name. I did so. I haven't made any attempt to hide who I am, in part because there'd be no point - this is the SAME ACCOUNT, same personal space, same threads, and *almost* any idiot could see I'm "Member" by a slightly changed name. People seem to change their names quite often round here, and it's a shame that this is too confusing for you.

Note to Della's progeny:

Mummy is a grown-up. It's nice you feel the need to protect her from the nasty people who aren't stupid enough to be taken in by her persistent lies. Perhaps with a little thought you will realise that the best way to protect her is to keep her away from dangerous implements such as sharp objects, poisonous liquids and PCs.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 51

Researcher 538645

You really are a coward aren't you? That's right be inflamatory from a safe distance.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 52

Researcher 524695

My wife and I have no children, so I've no experience dealing with toddlers. Could someone advise me on the best way to deal with one? Should I

1. Ignore him and address only his mother and blame her for his erratic behaviour?
2. Address him as though he were an adult even though he is manifestly not?
3. Sink to his level by starting a "no YOU are being inflammatory" conversation?

You can see my dilemma. Not only do I know which would be the proper thing to do, I don't even know which would be the most fun...

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 53

Researcher 538645

smiley - laugh That's the first time I've seen a typed message to the other people in someone's head.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 54

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - rofl

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 55

Researcher 538645

Thankyou, I'm here all week. Which is about two and a quarter more hours.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 56

Researcher 524695

"That's the first time I've seen a typed message to the other people in someone's head"

smiley - yawn

Why am I not surprised you failed to understand that?

The message was addressed to "the audience", people reading this thread other than me, you and Della. Now, I know how difficult it is for someone as immature as you to comprehend that there are actually other people out there in the world apart from mummy (there's even a daddy somewhere out there, who knows where...), but this is something you'll get eventually, I expect, when you're older.

In the meantime, we'd appreciate it if you let the grownups get on with their conversations and keep the puerile interjections to a minimum.


Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 57

Researcher 538645

That was the mose pathetic 'come back' I've seen since primary school. Consider ing the "member" who wrote it. I should not be surprised.

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 58

Researcher 524695

Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 59



Who told you I was a teenager?

Post 60

Researcher 524695

smiley - laugh

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