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Who told you I was a teenager?
badger party tony party green party Started conversation Jan 5, 2004
Surely it wasnt me though I often wish I was. "Ooh my back is deaf and my ears are bent"
Are you still on with the whole team thing Della, knock yourself out "kid" (blackcountry thing not American slang)
If you remember it was you who started picking on people on the PBA thread that used american slang or you deemed as american on other threads. I will stop making fun of that kind with you as despite the fact you are quite willing to dish it out to others it seems you dont like your own medicine so much.
I do use Hoo's "style" from time to time mostly on replies to you as it is handy for pointing out mulitiple and glaring innacuracies and prejudiced opinions that people attempt to pass off as facts. Obviously some people dont like this but we can all say what we like as long as we dont break the rules.
But remember having the right to say what you want doesnt make what you want to say right.
Who told you I was a teenager?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jan 8, 2004
Blickybadger, you have caused so much damage with the things you have said, and done - especially on the mass debate thread. People there have now decided I am a racist, which is so far the opposite of true, you'd laugh, if you really knew me.
I have got in to deep trouble in my past for being *anti-racist*, so of all accusations you and azahar could hardly have hit on a worse, more hurtful and in terms of making me hated by others, more effective one.
You yourself told me, in June or earlier, when the subject was homosexuality, that you were in your teens, and that you 'wear bright colours, like funky music,' and were generally, young, hip and trendy.
Presently, I am being tried by a jury of people I thought were my peers, and that except for azahar, I got on with and had this mutual respect thing going. Now, I fear them and they hate me. Happy?
I regarded these people as my friends. I have never hurt or insulted them, and now because they think I hurt and insulted you, I can't talk to them any more.
The things you have said to and about me are 100 times worse than anything I have ever said or thought about you or your friend az. So you'll understand if I just can't see why I am in the wrong!
Who told you I was a teenager?
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 8, 2004
How can you be so sure of what you say, ALL the time it seems? Many times I have offered you advice about subjects, one thing I have always said is that you should not jump to conclusions. Yet you still state categorically that you have been hurt 100 hundred time worse than I or az. How on earth do you know that? Sure you can say how much you have been hurt but where does your information about my or az's pain come from? Also why were the people on the god thread once you peers but no longer it seems from your post. My dear all researchers are peers, on this site we have no more power than each other. So why fear them what can they or I "DO" to you. So you have been hurt by peoples response to your posts, you have been hurt by my jibes and peoples condemnation of some of your attitudes. Well hard cheese! You sling round insults but seem to think it does not matter. Im so far beyond angry with you, I have reached a place of calm acceptance of what you post and will continue to point out your inaccuracies, your claims of certainty which are infact subjective speculation and insults masquerading as innocent comments when you clearly have chosen them to contain as much venom as possible. I will try to do this as calmly as possible but I cant make gaurantees I am only human. post13056 Hello, Heathen! (That seems like a mean name to use for you... I know from your perspective it isn't - but many of my Mum's rebukes began "you bunch of heathens! See you do understand how names/words used can be hurtful and insulting why dont you post in a way that reflects this?
Who told you I was a teenager?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jan 8, 2004
For goodness' sake! It was a greeting to the woman who calls herself Heathen Sceptic! I was remarking that I had never met anyone before who wanted to be called a heathen, nothing more. Then I had a little anecdote about my childhood to explain why calling someone heathen felt strange to me.
She didn't (as far as I know) take what I said as insulting, and it certainly wasn't meant that way. As to any pain you and az might have felt, I am sorry if I caused you any, but you have never shown any hurt - just the desire to inflict it.
Or should I put that down to Hoo, and him alone?
Who told you I was a teenager?
Researcher 524695 Posted Jan 8, 2004
"People there have now decided I am a racist, which is so far the opposite of true, you'd laugh, if you really knew me.
I have got in to deep trouble in my past for being *anti-racist*, "
Ooh, that's a new one. I'm honestly surprised you didn't say "some of my best friends are black". That's the usual phrase trotted out by racists on the back foot.
Who told you I was a teenager?
azahar Posted Jan 8, 2004
Firstly, nobody called you a racist. Though it was pointed out that you used a racist term to insult blicky. Oh, so you are the far opposite of a racist? What does that mean?
Really? How does one get into deep trouble for being anti-racist? And why do you think people hate you? I certainly don't hate you or anyone.
Why would something like that making anyone happy, Della? Why do you continue to believe that I don't like you even though I have told you many times that this is not the case? Why do you suddenly fear your friends and think they hate you? Far from making me happy, I think it is rather sad.
One more time! I have never 'accused' you of anything. I have often argued against comments you've made that I find offensive - this is called 'debating'. You are taking part in a public forum. You sometimes offend people with things you say. You cannot think you can just say things like that publicly and not have others respond. That is the whole point of this forum - to share and debate various ideas.
Also, you hardly ever respond to my postings. Instead you just talk about them with others on a thread. This is called 'gossiping' - it is not 'debating'. How do you think it makes me feel to watch you talk about me to others, and usually in an unpleasant manner? Well, mostly it pisses me off, but since you mostly make yourself look foolish by doing this then what the heck. If that's what you want to do then that is your choice.
Who told you I was a teenager?
Researcher 538645 Posted Jan 11, 2004
Just another twit, "Ooh, that's a new one. I'm honestly surprised you didn't say "some of my best friends are black". That's the usual phrase trotted out by racists on the back foot."
I am someone who knows Della personally and it seems like the bunch of you must be a bit "touched" if you're calling Della racist.
Who told you I was a teenager?
Researcher 538645 Posted Jan 12, 2004
I took my thermomometer to main reception and the atrium: 28*c and 41*c
Who told you I was a teenager?
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 12, 2004
Hello wraith,
No one called Della racist. You would know that if you had read and understood the posts. You are welcome to do so.
When you have read them you will see that we have decided to put the matter to bed after discussing the issue fully If you want to stir things up further please be aware you are starting off with little knowledge of the backlog (which spreads across several threads) on this point.
Please do not infere any of us are touched.
Thank you.
Who told you I was a teenager?
Researcher 538645 Posted Jan 12, 2004
What does post 5 look like to you? (you'll notice it was the one to which I responded to.)
"Ooh, that's a new one. I'm honestly surprised you didn't say "some of my best friends are black". That's the usual phrase trotted out by racists on the back foot.
I have heard and seen this phrase many times and have even seen it used with the word black replaced by american by the likes of starbirth. I cannot overstate the low opinion of I have of people who use it and I don't belive it's ever been used by someone smarter than a rock.
People like this need to have a few discussions with people who experienced the wrong side of apartheid and stop whining.
I have no intention of looking through the mass debate thread as I perfer to read a thread from scratch before joining and I'm not up to that anymore.
Who told you I was a teenager?
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 12, 2004
Well excuse me for having no experience of living under the apartheid rule.
What do you want me to do seet here meekly ignoring anything that comes short of being dissenfranchised and forced to use second class services. When someone uses unacceptable language should I praise god that Im so lucky to not be getting a beating with a rubber hose.
Like I said there is more to this than is on this thread so why not leave it eh?
Obviously Della can.
Who told you I was a teenager?
Researcher 538645 Posted Jan 12, 2004
What's your problem? Is the poster of post 5 and alter ego of yours?
Who told you I was a teenager?
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 12, 2004
Alter ego. Not I sir, complete with all my faults.
That this is very dull is for sure, but if you must now there is one further problem.
The fact is the point though not settled was dropped. If you would like to restart the argument do so if you like but do bare in mind that I do know what I happen to be talking about.
Who told you I was a teenager?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jan 13, 2004
As Jim said - shee-*t! How are you coping, and why no aircon?
Who told you I was a teenager?
Researcher 538645 Posted Jan 13, 2004
There is crappy airconditioning bacause I'm in one of the older buildings on campus. BTW but 4:30 it reach 29 degrees at my desk.
Bright sun and clear pale blue sky was no fun last night at around 7:30+ when I went to the shops.
On Friday I had a Fijian and a Fijian Indian complain to me about the sun. They were pushy vacume cleaner salesmen, but that's a longer story.
Who told you I was a teenager?
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Jan 13, 2004
It's quite a lot cooler here than where you are, obviously - the best aircon is in the National Bank across the road from the library where we are right now - savage! Here in the library, the effect of the coolth seems to wear off very quickly.
You have my sympathy!
Who told you I was a teenager?
badger party tony party green party Posted Jan 13, 2004
Yet again Wraith you show your complete ignorance of the whole matter or are you getting a summation of the incident off site, believe me if you are the information you are getting is worse than being ignorant.
That poster 5 is a moron is obvious and that's all I said.
Are you a psychiatrist or some other kind of medical doctor? you sure make a fast diagnosis.
Seriously. The person who wrote post 5 was in his usual brusque way, that Della shoould be well aware of, how to avoid racist comments. I hope you have the mental capacity to inderstand this or are you infact a moron, with the mental capacity of a 7-12 year old.
Who's arguing?
Or were you just trying to be insulting? If you want to argue any points you are welcome to I dont mind.
Key: Complain about this post
Who told you I was a teenager?
- 1: badger party tony party green party (Jan 5, 2004)
- 2: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 8, 2004)
- 3: badger party tony party green party (Jan 8, 2004)
- 4: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 8, 2004)
- 5: Researcher 524695 (Jan 8, 2004)
- 6: azahar (Jan 8, 2004)
- 7: Researcher 538645 (Jan 11, 2004)
- 8: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 12, 2004)
- 9: Researcher 538645 (Jan 12, 2004)
- 10: Researcher 538645 (Jan 12, 2004)
- 11: badger party tony party green party (Jan 12, 2004)
- 12: Researcher 538645 (Jan 12, 2004)
- 13: badger party tony party green party (Jan 12, 2004)
- 14: Researcher 538645 (Jan 12, 2004)
- 15: badger party tony party green party (Jan 12, 2004)
- 16: Researcher 538645 (Jan 12, 2004)
- 17: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 13, 2004)
- 18: Researcher 538645 (Jan 13, 2004)
- 19: DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! (Jan 13, 2004)
- 20: badger party tony party green party (Jan 13, 2004)
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