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present/past tenses for verbs ending in "-ead'

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My great uncle used to say "English is a funny language." No one disagreed with him.

Here are some verbs that, in their present tense, end in '-ead":


For the fist four, you form the pats tense by adding "-ed."
(beaded, headed, kneaded, and pleaded, though for pleaded "pled" is also allowed)

For "lead," you get "led" in the past tense.

For "read, you get "read" in the past tense.

I believe that etymology is the term for the study of the way these forms have come to us.

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present/past tenses for verbs ending in "-ead'

Post 2

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~


smiley - pirate

present/past tenses for verbs ending in "-ead'

Post 3

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Seriously though, English is not the only funny language smiley - smiley

smiley - pirate

present/past tenses for verbs ending in "-ead'

Post 4

Reality Manipulator


present/past tenses for verbs ending in "-ead'

Post 5

Icy North

You have to disengage the spelling sometimes -this has changed over the years, where the sound has been more constant.

I’d have thought it was early man who invented the -ed ending. It was probably a grunt indicating that this was something he’s already done rather than something he was about to do.

The more common ones got contracted into the strong forms which remain today.

Or something.

present/past tenses for verbs ending in "-ead'

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I wasn't aware of yead at all. Tead could be a noun or an adjective, but I was talking about verbs.

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