This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant
That ad for Amazon prime made me chuckle
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Aug 7, 2020
My trailer is set back from the road, and partly hidden by a large Arborvitae tree, and yet the Amazon prime delivery people have decided that when they can't figure out which trailer to deliver a package to, I'm the most logical person to ask.
A resident whose front door is on the next street down shares her back yard with me. Sometimes she orders breakfast, lunch, and dinner from Whole Foods three miles away (Amazon owns Whole Foods). So Amazon Prime puts the packages on my porch. They haven't done this recently, though, so maybe they finally figured out where the rightful recipient lives.
As the Secretary for the Tenants' Association that owns the park, I have lists of residents and addresses.
Before the stores were broadly allowed to be open for purchases, you pretty much had to have their goods delivered if you wanted stuff.
And since Amazon ships vast quantities of goods, that means a lot of Amazon prime trucks visit the Park every day. They'll eventually figure out what to do.
That ad for Amazon prime made me chuckle
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Aug 7, 2020
That ad for Amazon prime made me chuckle
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Aug 7, 2020
I'm having trouble thinking of more than one benefit of the pandemic: by wearing masks and avoiding one another, we are passing fewer diseases to each other.
Meanwhile, there's getting to be more traffic on the roads, and a larger number of people riding public transportation. I notice more desperate people scrounging for spare cash.
A sad world.
That ad for Amazon prime made me chuckle
SashaQ - happysad Posted Aug 14, 2020
Yes, that does sound hopeful that they finally got the hang of delivering to your neighbour on the other street.
This reminded me of recently, when a courier was trying to deliver something to a neighbour of mine. I knew the neighbour had moved out to live with relatives during lockdown, so I was puzzled about who would have ordered a package to be delivered there. After the third attempt, the courier finally asked me to take the parcel, and when I saw the address I realised they had made a mistake - it should have been delivered to a similar-sounding street somewhere else I don't know why the courier didn't use the postcode, in this day and age of SatNavs
but anyway they got there eventually... The recipient must have been even more puzzled than me, if they were told that the parcel hadn't been delivered 'because you were out' - they hadn't been anywhere because of lockdown
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That ad for Amazon prime made me chuckle
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