A Conversation for CAMELOT (A place of enchantment and participation)
The Kitchens
Pheroneous Started conversation May 22, 2001
Why make me chef? What did I do? You dance naked on the table and they send you to the kitchens! Pass me the parsley, Percy, we'll show em a real shepherd's pie!
The Kitchens
St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 Posted May 22, 2001
oh do shut up!
yey and yer big mouth gets us in trouble all the time!!!
*starts throwing bits of garlic at him*
The Kitchens
Pheroneous Posted May 22, 2001
[Belle](On telephone)
Are you chef of the day, Kaye? Do you know anything of Lancelot's gear, dear? He's such a clot, that Lancelot. Thanks a lot.
The Kitchens
St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 Posted May 22, 2001
[voice of story-teller]
Uh-oh... we mixed THAT one up!
The Kitchens
Pheroneous Posted May 22, 2001
Never mind all that nonsense, Percy. Pay attention or we will have a stargazy pie, and you know what we shall use for sardines, don't you!
The Kitchens
Munchkin Posted May 23, 2001
[Comedy bit part serf #4] Arr, oo be muckin' abaaht in ma kitchen then? Oi, you lot, ponsy knights wiv yer ponsy ways, ah've got lunch to be doin' 'ere, and the goose man 'asn't got 'ere yet, so clear o'rf aht uv it would ya
The Kitchens
Pheroneous Posted May 23, 2001
[Kay] (Played here by Gordon Ramsay)
Come here you f....ing nasty little runt. Show me your f...ing fingernails. F...ing Hell, you horrible worm... and so on and so forth until the serf bursts into tears, and then so on and so forth for a long while longer.
The Kitchens
St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 Posted May 23, 2001
[Guin on intercom]
Send up to my room some grease!
The Kitchens
Pheroneous Posted May 23, 2001
Hey Perce, she'll be wanting the organic butter again. You take it up, there's a good chap.
The Kitchens
Munchkin Posted May 23, 2001
[comedy bit part serf #4] *Eventually calms down and begins to plot suitable working class revenge. Eyes barrel of vinegar with intent*
The Kitchens
Munchkin Posted May 23, 2001
[Comedy bit part serf #4] *Waits until Percy has left, checks that the Matronly cook is not looking, and proceeds to barrel* Oi'll just be puttin' this 'ere vinegar out the way, so I shall. *Picks up barrel, moves towards Kay, trips on mythical cracked flagstone and splashes the knight liberally in foul smelling vinegar* Oh my, Oi'm so sorry, Oi'll be getting you a cloff. *Scurries away, barely holding in laughter*
The Kitchens
Munchkin Posted May 25, 2001
[Cook] Waa! *Drops roast pig on floor* Now look what you've made me do. Ah well, quick wipe with the cloth and ... no one would ever know. You, serf boy, take this up stairs would you.
[Comedy bit part serf #371] Boy fetch this, boy carry that. Don't we get a union or something?
[Cook]No, but you get a clip around the ear. Now get a move on!
The Kitchens
Floh Fortuneswell Posted May 25, 2001
Hey cook, you got some peaches?
There's a Sangria-Party at BBBB.
I would be SO grateful, you understand...?
The Kitchens
A Wolpertinger (OMFC) Posted Jul 9, 2001
*as the fairy and the wolpertinger approach the kitchens, they can scent a variety of smells*
YAY! The kitchens!
(Oops. I hope nobody heard us)
Now, let's see if we find some for hungry wolpertinger and fairy.
What's your name, by the way?
The Kitchens
Munchkin Posted Jul 12, 2001
[Comedy bit part serfs #9 through 217] 'Hoo be you talkin' to? Me, ah'm *random noise of far too many voices at once*
The Kitchens
A Wolpertinger (OMFC) Posted Jul 12, 2001
I'm talking to the fairy. Don't you see her? Yeah, maybe not. She's real magic you know. When I met her in the forest (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F68913?thread=118012&latest=1) she was a wolf. Say, do you happen to know, where they store their
The Kitchens
Munchkin Posted Jul 12, 2001
[Comedy Bit Part Serf #201] Chocolate? Tha Cook be keepin' that, so's she be. Ah 'as to be promoted to floor sweeper afore ah gets to know that.
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The Kitchens
- 1: Pheroneous (May 22, 2001)
- 2: St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 (May 22, 2001)
- 3: Pheroneous (May 22, 2001)
- 4: St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 (May 22, 2001)
- 5: Pheroneous (May 22, 2001)
- 6: Munchkin (May 23, 2001)
- 7: Pheroneous (May 23, 2001)
- 8: St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 (May 23, 2001)
- 9: Pheroneous (May 23, 2001)
- 10: St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42 (May 23, 2001)
- 11: Munchkin (May 23, 2001)
- 12: Munchkin (May 23, 2001)
- 13: Floh Fortuneswell (May 25, 2001)
- 14: Munchkin (May 25, 2001)
- 15: Floh Fortuneswell (May 25, 2001)
- 16: A Wolpertinger (OMFC) (Jul 9, 2001)
- 17: Munchkin (Jul 12, 2001)
- 18: A Wolpertinger (OMFC) (Jul 12, 2001)
- 19: Munchkin (Jul 12, 2001)
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