A Conversation for Don't Panic - Frequently Asked Questions

Article Rejections

Post 1


How long does it take to get a rejection to my articles? I know others are experiencing the same anxiety. The suspense is killing me!

Article Rejections

Post 2


Unfortunately we've had a much bigger influx of Guide submissions than we expected, so it may still take a while. Fortunately, our freshly-recruited set of sub-editors are piling through the submissions at an incredible rate, so it *will* get looked at soon... I can't estimate a time, I'm afraid. smiley - sadface

-- Yoz

Article Rejections

Post 3

Researcher 53978

Did the missing-presumed-fed-itors reject your entry submission yet? I've submitted two REALLY GOOD
entries so far, with no sort of response from them at all. At this late stage, one would imagine they are
on the plink-plink-fizzzz and will no doubt respond to this post. Once they've had their mid-afternoon
siesta on the beach, of course.

Article Rejections

Post 4

Will Jenkins (Dead)

The wait is ongoing due to a *very* long back-log of submissions.
Willliam Jenkins, Patron Saint of Tea.
May your Tea forever be sugarless!

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