A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite Hitchhiker's Moment
I didn't relise we could include the book.
Professor Sarah Bellum Started conversation May 19, 2001
I glad DNA didn't keep it to a trilogy because 'So Long And Thanks For All The Fish' is my favouroute book. Especially Fenchurch, I alway try to get that station when playing Monopoly!
I didn't relise we could include the book.
Fro Boy Posted May 20, 2001
I agree, tho I must say I do enjoy the final message from God- "we aplogise for the inconvinience"
I didn't relise we could include the book.
Professor Sarah Bellum Posted May 20, 2001
It's nice to know that Marvin feels good at the end. I still like the address of God's final message.
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I didn't relise we could include the book.
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