A Conversation for The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 1

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2


In response to those who thought my other constitutional entry was a bit heavy, here's an earlier, lighter one I wrote...

I think this one's certainly more appropriate for the Edited Guide.


A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Hi Rob,

This one certainly seems easier for a novice to get into.

One point I'll make (before anyone else does!) is that your last paragraph starts "It seems to me..." - which isn't "Edited", 3rd person language. Simply state that criticism is inevitable.

Apart from that, I quite like it - though it still reads as an essay; not that there's anything wrong with that smiley - winkeye. But I'd like to hear a few more Scouts' opinions before we put it to the London jury...


A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 3

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Duly noted and altered...


A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 4


I think that this entry makes a wonderful complement to the other one. The only thing I would criticise is the repeated instances of duplicate footnote details, and I don't know if that is you, or h2g2.

A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 5

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

The duplicate footnotes are mine. It's because I used those sources more than once. Should I just do them once? What is the usual style?

A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 6

Tube - the being being back for the time being

I like that entry! smiley - smiley And it should make it into the guide.

As for the footnotes: In German Legal Writings it is perfectly acceptable - and in fact the only way - to have the same footnote as often as you quote that text.
Talking of quoting, how about adding links to the Australian Legal Informations Institute (AUSTLII) and/or the Mabo and other cases directly?

And now fopr something completely different, Rob: Would you like to add something to my entry @ http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A542701 ? The Australian/Common Law perspective, perhaps? From the HCA entry I gather that you're able to explain complex legal structure in such a way that non-lawyers can understand as well.


A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 7


Slightly different traditions re footnotes. most of the stuff I've seen refers to the reference as often as necessary, but only quites it once. for example repeatedly pointing to reference 3, but reference 3 being the only instance of that unique reference. It seems to aid readability.

A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 8


This article is very clear and well structured.

There are two thing that I feel are missing:

I have no referents for the people cited. It would be nice to understand who the people speaking are and why their opinions are important. Not a biography, just quick description. It could even be in a footnote and satisfy me.

The other has to do with the cases cited. From the way you treat them it is clear that these case were significant and cotnroversial. A brief synopsis of the nature of the case and the outcome would help clarify why you chose to mention them. Mabo in particular sounds like it could have an article all its own. Fascinating.

There is a certain sense here that you are making a presntation to senior partners or a judge who in neither instance have much patience for belaboring the obvious. The trouble is, to me, they are not obvious or landmark issues, Australian government is an area maked 'here there be monsters' on my mental map. Please add whatever you can without burdening your discussion with side points.


A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 9

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Barton (as in Edmund ...?)

When I get a couple of minutes, I'll try to update with detail on the people, cases, etc. Perhaps a link to another site with such details? Or just a sentence in the footnotes?

I've got assignments and exams up soon, but then a month or two of winter holidays smiley - smiley when I'll have a crack at it...


A545050 - The High Court of Australia and Constitutional Interpretation

Post 10


Nope, it's my first name.



Post 11

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.

If they have not been along already, the Scout who recommended your entry will post here soon, to let you know what happens next. Meanwhile you can find out what will happen to your entry here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/SubEditors-Process



Post 12

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Hey, that's pretty cool...


Post 13

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

I'm pleased to inform you that this entry has been recommended for the Edited Guide. It will go to the sub-eds for minor tweaking, and you'll be notified via e-mail when it's due to appear. Thank you for writing such a great article - please keep up the good work!


Post 14

Almighty Rob - mourning the old h2g2

Hey, thanks for that Lentilla! You're a champion!


Post 15

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Hey, de nada, hombre...

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