A Conversation for The Myth Of 42 [(5-3+0+5) * (6+0) = 42]

My 42-maker

Post 1

Matthew Somerville - (take a look at my 42 maker!)

If you pop along to my space at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U51315 you'll find a link to my 42-maker at my website Dracos. This tries to make 42 from any number thrown at it. It currently only works for 2-5 digit numbers (6 digit numbers are my next priority; it's easy to add, just time consuming to get all the possibilities - I hate operator precedence! smiley - winkeye ), and only has basic arithmetic. Any comments welcome (as long as they're nice, of course smiley - smiley ).

I'm afraid the server will be swamped if I make it so comprehensive as to try absolutely everything, like invtan and sin. Any ideas for heuristic algorithms welcome! smiley - winkeye


My 42-maker

Post 2

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

smiley - wow

I will have to check that out later, and include a link from the Article, if that's OK by you....

My 42-maker

Post 3

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

completely forgot about that!!! I'll check it out later!

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